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360 boxes won’t connect to each other

Up to speed

I have two Tivo boxes bother upgraded to 360. I recently had a WiFi problem, which is now fixed, but now my box downstairs won’t play anything recorded on the bedroom box, just says it can’t connect. I have done factory resets on box boxes and rebooted the router, but still no joy. Also, I can’t seem to set up the box upstairs to record on it and not the bedroom and vice versa, just seems random. Any thought anybody?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Paperboy, thanks for the message and sorry to hear that you are having issues connecting the boxes. 

You should have the main 360 box which will contain the hard drive and the Mini box which will stream. 

Can you confirm if the main 360 box is set to fast or active start? Can you check to see if it connects when the mainbox is not in standby please. Can let us know if this is still an issue for you since posting? 

Kind regards, Chris