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360 box recording issues

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Hi, I have 2 tivo 360 boxes, 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs.

When I want to record on my downstairs box it says that it is waiting for the upstairs to startup.

And the reverse if I'm upstairs and want to record it says waiting for the downstairs. 

If either box is unplugged the other won't record as it says the box is offline. 

Has anyone else had this issue or know what might be happening.

I tried the tech support but they can't seem to grasp the error. 


Accepted Solutions

Hi Steveblurton,

The boxes need to be set to fast start or active start so if the recording is on box A and you are using box B then box B can wake up box A to access the recording.

I have a main box and a mini box but I believe if you go to Saved > Recorded > See all > and click on the Recorded tab you will see a drop down with the following options:-

Recorded, Recorded on this Virgin TV box, Planned, and Planned for this Virgin TV box. - highlighting "Recorded on this Virgin TV box" will just show those programs recorded on that box.

Also when setting up a series link go to Advanced and select which box you want the recording to be made on. It will then be recorded on that box going forward, even if the default recording box is the other one.


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When you say you have 2 TiVo 360 boxes do you mean 2 V6 boxes that have been updated to 360 so they are now both 360 boxes, TiVo is the software the V6 uses and the 360 uses Horizon software.

Or do you have a 360 main box and mini box, the mini has no hard drive.

The boxes need to be sent to fast start or active start and not switched off at the plug if using the main box and mini box, this also applies to 2 updated V6 boxes depending on which box the recordings are on.

If you can clarify which box combination you have that would help.


Thanks for your reply. 

I have 2 V6 boxes upgraded to 360.

Both boxes are always on standby.


They need to be set to fast start or active start not eco start.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Steveblurton wrote:

I have 2 V6 boxes upgraded to 360.

You've been advised on the power-saving settings, but for info when you converted your V6 into TV360 they stopped being V6.

You have 2 x TV360-master boxes now. Master refers to the hard-drive facility which TV360-minis don't have.

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Hi Thank you.

But i don't understand why, if they both have hard drives, are they reliant on each other being on? and also not recording on the box you are watching.

Hi, One is on fast start the other is on active start.

I believe by default all recordings are done on the "Master" box regardless of which one you set them on and whether the other box has a hard disk. You can manually set a recording\series link to record to a specific box if both have hard disks, but this is not automated, as far as I'm aware it won't even automatically record to the second box if the first one is full.

So potentially you could just be unlucky in that the recordings in question happen to be on the opposite box to the one you're trying to watch them on,

Hi Steveblurton,

The boxes need to be set to fast start or active start so if the recording is on box A and you are using box B then box B can wake up box A to access the recording.

I have a main box and a mini box but I believe if you go to Saved > Recorded > See all > and click on the Recorded tab you will see a drop down with the following options:-

Recorded, Recorded on this Virgin TV box, Planned, and Planned for this Virgin TV box. - highlighting "Recorded on this Virgin TV box" will just show those programs recorded on that box.

Also when setting up a series link go to Advanced and select which box you want the recording to be made on. It will then be recorded on that box going forward, even if the default recording box is the other one.


Hi,  thanks for that. I didn't realise that selecting the box was an option. Never really looked at advanced options.

Now all I need to do is to find out how to change the default box. 

The default on the Upstairs box is downstairs and vice versa. Hence always wanting to record on the opposite box.