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I'm going abroad and since this morning i cannot switch on  roaming , notification keeps popping out 'something went wrong ,we experience issues with our systems ,try later"

EC 9999

Please,I'm going away this afternoon, when i can expect to  be fixed? i need to switch it on before I leave the country right?



Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @naomi78,

Welcome back to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.

Sorry to hear that you're having an issue setting up your data roaming. Yes you do need to make some changes before you go abroad, you can find out fully what you need to change here

Let us know if you require any more help.

Thanks. Joe

This action cannot be carried out as the Financial Account has a soft lock active


I cannot even switch off the parental control (I  thought maybe  turning  it off would help but im not able to do anything)



Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thanks for getting back to us @naomi78.

What we would like to do is invite you in for a private message so we can confirm some further details of the account. I will be sending this private message shortly, if you haven't used our private message feature before you can access it by clicking the purple envelope in the top right hand side of your screen.

Speak to you soon. Joe