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On Demand (All4) - Before We Die - Episodes 2 and 6 missing

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Thought I would have another watch of the UK version of "Before We Die". Delighted to find it available in On Demand / All4. Unhappy that you have only made episodes 1,3,4 and 5 available. Episodes 2 and 6 are missing! Please get them up there!

Just for the record:

Yes, I know I can watch the missing episodes using All4 on-line, but I want to watch on my TV and not on a laptop.

Yes, I know I can connect my laptop to the TV using HDMI but it is a pain to do so.




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I can replicate this, and have flagged it to VM staff.

You can also watch all episodes via the C4-branded app, which a V6 will have but a TiVo won't.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi Nigelss 👋 welcome back to the community! 

Thank you for letting us know about this. We have been able to replicate the issue, and have raised it internally. 

Hopefully it is resolved ASAP! Please let us know if there are any others we need to be aware of, or if there is anything else you need support with. 

Wishing you all the best! 🌞


So here we are, one month on since I reported the "Before We Die" missing episodes and Molly T of the forum team posted that it had been raised internally. Nothing has changed. Still missing. Am I surprised? Nope! I strongly suspect I am more likely to see a pig fly past my window playing the saxophone than to see the missing episodes appear on my Tivo box. As it happens, I watched the missing episodes on someone else's Sky system. I do wonder why I am still here.

While we are at it, since my last report, I tried watching another series on All4 called "Grow". It is one of the Walter Presents recommendations. I watched the first episode. Great stuff. Went for episode 2. You can guess what is coming. No episode 2. I can watch episodes 1,3,4,5,6,,7 and 8 but not episode 2.

I don't expect any of the missing episodes will be sorted. After all, it's only Tivo viewers who are affected so Virgin Media will try to get us off Tivo and on to another box which supports the All4 app instead. Might even get some extra cash out of us and force us on to new lengthy contracts we cannot get out of without paying hefty penalties. Not an option for me anyway because I need a scart connection and there isn't one on the post-Tivo boxes.

Will be listening closely for anything sounding like a saxophone...

While I am at it I suppose I should mention another On Demand (All4) blunder on Tivo. "Nordic Murders" episodes 1 to 5 are missing but 6 to 10 are available. Really would like an explanation for the omissions I have reported. Just watching out for a mermaid riding a unicorn with a parchment scroll in her hand...

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Scart really is old tech now, and if it were not for you wanting that, the V6 is a much newer and quicker box which has more recording tuners along with the C4-branded app which would at least provide a workaround for these.

If your TiVo ever develops a fault, it is now replaced with a V6 by default. Those missing episodes are replicable on my V6 and have been raised with forum staff.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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