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How do I rent a movie through my Tivo box? All I am able to find is Buy only, not rent

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I have followed the instruction on my Tivo box.  Go to On Demand, Movies etc and found the movie I want to rent (Avatar 2 ) but it is only showing Buy Now for £13.99.  It is supposed to be available to rent! 

Would anyone tell me how to rent this?




Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

 You would need to contact Virgin Media Store by ringing them on 0800 027 0801. There opening hours are Sunday to Thursday 9am to midnight and Friday to Saturday 9am to 3am.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

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Virgin media advisor told me to follow the instructions on the Tivo box. Then hung up before I had the chance to say I had already done that! Very annoying


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

For what it's worth, my V6 offers both options.


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That's what I expected to see, although that is Avatar 1 showing on your screen.  Avatars 2 has been advertised  on Virgin media for rent since 26 June for £4.95

Hi there @AndyPink29 👋 Welcome back to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

Sorry to see you've been unable to rent this on the TiVo box. This certainly is a strange one as it is showing on other boxes. It sounds like it could be due to the box being an older box.

I'll see if we can upgrade the box for you to enable you to rent movies. I'll send you a PM to confirm your details so this can be done.



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thank you for replying.

I do not wish to change my Tivo box at this time.  There are too many recordings on it to loose. I would rather buy the DVD from Asda for £10!

Regards Andrew






We understand Andrew, if you change your mind or have any other queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch 😊

