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TCP bulbs

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Can anyone help with my light issue.  6 months ago I got my new hub 4 and my lights no longer work.  As it was getting lighter in the evening this was not an issue so I ignored it. Not the best idea but it worked for me. Now it is getting darker I need lights again but they did not fix themselves 🤦‍♀️. I keep trying to add them but nothing, I was even brave enough to go into the app thing and change the number from 5 to 2.4 but still nothing worked.  Are there any bulbs I can buy me just plug them in without the hassle as I really don’t know why I am doing.  I did try speaking to Virgin chat but he didn’t seem to listen and has ordered me a pod? No idea what that will do


Alessandro Volta

Have you used the instructions for your particular product here?

If you have changed the VM hub, it would operate with a different wireless SSID and wireless password to your previous hub so, most likely, you will have to reinstall the light bulbs to work with the new hub.

If you need detailed help beyond the setup instructions you would be best off posting a query in the 'Networking and Wifi' forum for specific advice. The 'Tech Chatter' forum tends to be more general off-topic subjects.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I would also suggest the WIfi Pod will not help either.  If you have altered the Wifi settings on the Hub in any way, the Pod will not connect.

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