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Damaged manhole

Tuning in

The manhole cover further up my street has long been without a cover due to damage or caved in but in the last few weeks either children or animals have pulled a large bunch of cables out and they are sitting exposed to the weather and animals damaging them. There is a black wire laying across the grass which will likely be run over by the grass cutters or someone might have a nasty accident, not to mention the damage to the street cables. I have reported it twice in the last month using an online form but no one been out, can you help thanks. Just want to prevent a bigger issue if not sorted now.


Accepted Solutions

Alessandro Volta

There is a section of the forum here

for reporting damage to street equipment.

Response times for VM to fix seem to vary enormously from a few days (and a repair) to a few years (with no repair)!

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Alessandro Volta

There is a section of the forum here

for reporting damage to street equipment.

Response times for VM to fix seem to vary enormously from a few days (and a repair) to a few years (with no repair)!

Tuning in

Thanks I had seen that page but didn't seem to give me the help I need..I have tried filling in an online form before but never been replied to or any action  taken. They just leaving it until it is damaged and the street service is down before they do anything, cheers though

I will maybe need to get some pictures and upload on the forum you sent and hope that makes a difference.

Alessandro Volta

If you upload some photos at the link provided above, VM will acknowledge your info/pic's with a 'kudos' point. After that, it is up to VM to fix. You can see from some of the photos already there that some of the equipment already logged has been in a bad condition for a very long time.

You could also try reporting to your local council. In theory, they are supposed to contact VM. If the equipment is in a dangerous state, they may put barriers up temporarily while waiting for VM.