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TV Control app compatability

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Is the TV Control app compatible with all android devices, or are their exceptions ?

Does it work on chromebooks ?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @cobrien 

Not all Chromebooks ahve the Google Playstore. Is the Playstore on your Chromebook? If so, is the TV Control app available to download from there.

Chromebooks don't support all the hardware and software features that are available on other devices running Android. If your app requires specific features that aren't supported on Chromebooks, it won't be available for installation on Chromebooks.

If you haven't got the Playstore, or are unable to download the app then try googling the apk and hiow to download apps..

The info below is from 

What devices support Virgin Media TV Control app

You can use the Virgin Media TV Control app on any Android or Apple iOS device. Download the Virgin Media TV Control app now.

Unfortunately, if you have a different type of device, then you won’t be able to get the app.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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