on 16-12-2023 18:46
Can somebody help me please by resetting my devices on TV GO? I use the same MacBook or iPhone to access but it keeps making me register as a new device. It is now saying I've exceeded the max number of devices and come back in Jan.
on 18-12-2023 10:33
Hi @iestynl thanks for your post here in the Community although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.
We're more than happy to help here - kindly expect a PM from me to arrive shortly so I can look into this for you, expect this to arrive shortly and respond directly when you can!
Many thanks
on 21-12-2023 14:45
having the same issue as above. please resolve
on 22-12-2023 15:14
Hi harishirani212 👋
Thanks for your post, and a warm welcome to the Forums.
I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing a similar issue. I'm going to send you a private message, so we can assist further. Please look out for it in the top-right, white envelope or by tapping your profile picture and selecting "Messages".
on 24-12-2023 19:03
Also having the same issue here ! So no Christmas TV then
How Virgin Media ruined Christmas !
Just spent over 24 hours without any Broadband !
on 26-12-2023 09:30
Hi @Nomis138
Welcome to the community forums.
Sorry to hear you feel this way. I can see on the systems at our side that you have been in touch with the team that have resolved this issue for you.
For your registered devices on the TVGO you must keep your cookies enabled so that it is recognised as registered. If the cookies are disabled or deleted, then the device will register as new each time you sign into your TVGO and take up a space in your limited device list.
Please let us know if you are having any further issues or have any questions at all. We'll be here to help on the community forums if needed :).