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Licence invalid on recordings

Joining in

As per the post by Morte which I have been following with anticipation which has slowly turned to despair! I get the following when trying to watch any recording on my tablet via Virgin TV Go:

Sorry - we can't play this at the moment (LicenceErrorCode.licence.invalid). 


Dialled in

Posted a reply unfortunately it's not good news


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hello FrustratedUser6, 

Thank you for getting in touch with us here on the community. 

We are very sorry for the issues you are facing with the recordings. 

I have checked from our side and can see you are currently speaking with my colleague via private message. They will continue to assist you further. 




Dialled in

If you do get anywhere or a meaning ful response could you let me know

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hello Morte, 

I have popped you over a reply this morning. 

We will chat to you further from there. 




On our wavelength

Seems this is not only a recurring issue but too many Virgin customers are experiencing the same problem. I, too, have licence error issue trying to watch my saved programmes - roughly 2 months now. Like others I can watch live programmes but not recorded. I've rebooted TiVo & router, I've uninstalled and reinstalled app - still the same message appears. It's been suggested that there is a bug in the app, perhaps the VM techie team can look into it and apply a fix.

On our wavelength

Just had an update from VM. The issue is with VM and iOS suppliers. VM consistently fail to negotiate in time for a seemless service to it's customers (us). Our devices are fine! VM's negotiating skills are not!

On our wavelength

It seems that this is a known issue and unfortunately, it was decided not to fix it due to low impact and ongoing system updates as per the Development team. They hope that the issue will be resolved with upcoming system updates. However, they are unable to provide an estimated deadline for this.