on 21-07-2023 12:11
IS broken so I cannot replace or register new devices....
Raised this on Twitter and the customer service team are clueless.... this is an internal systems error with multiple customers experiencing the same issues.... can some FIX IT
on 21-07-2023 19:13
I have exactly the same issue !!!!!!!!
on 22-07-2023 16:14
I have the same problem!!!
on 22-07-2023 16:14
Same issue here
on 22-07-2023 16:41
Hi @ToonEll,
Welcome back to our Community Forums! Thank you for your post and sorry to hear that you're having the same issue!
Can you tell us if this is impacting you while using the TVGO app or the Sky Sports app?
Let us know so that we can look into this further.
on 22-07-2023 17:27
Sky Sports, the tv go app and devices work fine, just cannot access sky device management at all
on 23-07-2023 11:09
Hi @ToonEll,
Thank you for confirming. Our team is aware of this issue and working hard to have this issue resolved as soon as possible. However, in the meantime, I'll be more than happy to look into this further for you and assist with resetting the devices from our side.
I'll send you a Private Message to confirm a few details, so please keep an eye out for an envelope at the top right corner of your Forum page. I'll be in touch soon.
Thank you.
on 28-07-2023 22:37
I've been waiting for them to fix it for two weeks.... they think its me!!! They literally are incompetent... they are a engineering and tech team and no one can fix what is merely a broken link... jokers.
on 28-07-2023 22:37
Same error I get... literally clueless... funnily enough I run a tech recruitment company that could help find some people who could fix it... 🤣
on 28-07-2023 23:27
Have you tried to access http://manage-virgintvgo.virginmedia.com/skydevices today?
It's working now for myself and most other forums users
Make sure it's http and not https.
It's best to do this on either Edge or Firefox browsers as there is often an issue if using Chrome.
Any problems either try an incognito window or clear your browsing history