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Child Safe is not working

On our wavelength

Hi - my child safe settings are no longer saving - I get the same message each time:

"Sorry the changes you made were not saved, please try again."

This has been the same for 3 days now.

I spent hours online with one of your help agents who has now deactivated Child Safe completely and left all the protections off - this is such poor service and not the first time it has happened.  If you update this feature you should tell your users that you are doing it so we know what is happening.  Last time it happened after a major update to the website as well.

Please can this be fixed urgently - I'm not sure children are safe browsing using your network given this failure.



Child safe is so simple to bypass I'm not sure it is worth worrying about.

On our wavelength

Nah - maybe for teenagers but not for tweens or younger ones. It stops all kind of rubbish from popping up which we’re now stuck with. I have plenty of ways of safeguarding stuff that comes in - the real frustration with virgins service is the complete radio silence when they implement updates which don’t work for about a week and you spend ages interacting with agents who don’t suggest anything helpful. If it was consistently rubbish it would almost be better as I’d have something else in place. 

Hello AJC12


Sorry to hear of the issues with Child Safe, we appreciate the concern this can cause and you raising it via the forums.


We're aware of an issue currently impacting these services, the team are working on this and will implement a fix as soon as possible. Again, apologies for the inconvenience caused.




Nah ?  A cake walk even for an infant !

E.g. for Android:  

Settings >> Connections >> More connection settings >> Private DNS

Set “Private DNS provider name” to:  

Voila !

This is still happening and it's making my life really stressful.  Is there any update?

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi MrsG101,

Thanks for your post and welcome back to the community.

I sincerely apologize for the issues you've faced.

Rest assured, our dedicated team is actively working to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

At the moment, we do not have an estimated timeframe for a resolution, but please know that your concerns are of the utmost importance to us.



On our wavelength

Nothing positive at all - repeated messages from different ‘agents’ at virgin who ask the same questions over and over again about whether I would like to set up web safe and could I try using the app etc. All completely useless as the issue is to do with virgins systems and they still haven’t come up with a solution. Every now and again someone says they are very sorry and that they’ve told IT about it. It is clearly very low priority to them. They need a ‘dashboard’ of some sort where they can make central announcements about their service so that we all don’t have to keep trawling the forums. 

On our wavelength

If you can’t even give a time frame Kain do you think it needs raising to someone a bit more senior than the current team who have it? You could point out that this is a child safety risk. Perhaps you could ask a manager to reply on these forums instead of lots of agents who don’t know any more details?

I have had this problem for several years now. Every time I want to block a website I spend hours online - its infuriating. How else can I block websites? Even if it is simple to bypass (my kids have not worked this out just yet) it should be available regardless. This is what we pay for a complete service from virgin, right!?  It concerns me that Virgin are not prioritising children's safety online as tis would have been sorted ALONG TIME AGO!