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my dynamic public IP address changed?

Fibre optic

while I understand dynamic vs static:  my VM public IP hasn't changed in YEARS

but today I'm appearing as a new number 🤔

anyone else notice a change, or know why the sudden change?





Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

They only change when you use modem mode or VM do a reconfiguration on their CMTS. The second is probably what has happen and would only affect a few local users.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

thanks Tudor. 

its business as usual this side of the fence, VM perimeter router is always in modem mode as I run a third party router. nothing changed or touched lately.

reconfig of CTMS might be it, as I've recently requested to port my phone number away.

maybe the quit'ers go on the naughty IP step 🤣

Alessandro Volta

Its nice that ones IP don't change much hate to be in a game play when it happens 


it was...

but now it's absolutely spannered all my verified admin access that have been in place for years.

Explains why I was suddenly seeing verify requests over the last 48hours 😩

Fibre optic

How hard is it to get a static IP on a home connection?

Alessandro Volta

@moof wrote:

How hard is it to get a static IP on a home connection?

No such thing just sticky


Alessandro Volta

Has the DNS name associated with the pubic IP also changed ?

@legacy1 wrote:

@moof wrote:

How hard is it to get a static IP on a home connection?

No such thing just sticky

sadly that's what I've discovered 😩

9 years on the same IP and suddenly its all new and I'm getting verifications left right and centre 🙈


@Client62 wrote:

Has the DNS name associated with the pubic IP also changed ?

no, but admin security on things like Google workspace aren't done by FQDN they are done by IP (it would appear)

and that's why I suddenly got all these verification prompts when logging into accounts I manage.

Wasted most of yesterday trying to get Google support to understand their own verification process, but it is what it is and has been caused by the dynamic change Virgin have done to my connection

...I also read you can't static Home circuits, only Biz

c'est la VM