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is moving a router uptairs worth it?

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So we have been having issues with our wifi (600mb on hub 3) we get ok speeds but the signal strength is so up and down and is causing us some real headaches. 

Our hub is currently in our lounge and unfortunately we don't have a lot of options for other places to have it in that room due to its layout so I was wondering, as we have a virgin port connected in our bedroom, would putting a splitter on that port and moving the router up there and popping it on a shelf have any benefits as I know VM say to have your router up high if possible. 

We have one of the pods and am expecting a 2nd to arrive newt week but honestly its painful, in the next room to the router we can have 150mb d/l speed then run another speed test 30 seconds later and it be down to 5mb. we are a internet heavy household as both me and my wife game online most nights and its getting her grumpy because she keeps getting booted from games 🤣. i've also been looking at 3rd party routers but ideally don't want to have to spend more money as we already pay enough for our VM package as it is.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

It’s a standard £25 fee to relocate the Hub.  The tech will also check the power levels etc. However moving upstart will just make the downstairs wifi weaker.  If you need a constant speed you really need a wired connection.  Also note Pods need to be roughly halfway between the Hub and any blackspots. 

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey andakiman, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community I am so sorry to hear tis.

As mentioned below this is true, if you have a 2nd pod coming please see how you get on with that it should improve the WIFI connection for you overall, please remember you can have up to 3 WIFI pods. 

Matt - Forum Team

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