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XGS-PON Speed Settling in Period

Tuning in

Virgin Media have just finished works in my area and I signed up pretty sharpish. An engineer has come round, ran the fibre to where I wanted it and I’ve been hooked up to the new XGS-PON network with a Hub 5x.

I’m wondering if there’s a known “settling in” period where it takes a period of time to get the advertised speeds? I’m guessing it should be pretty instant in terms of getting the advertised speeds.

When the engineer came round and installed it, I was getting around 1-1.2Gbps. However now it seems to have dropped to 650-900Mbps.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

There is no ‘settling in period". How are you measuring the speed?

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

I thought as much!

Either with or with my iPhone 14 Pro sat right next to the router. There’s no other devices taking up any other bandwidth.

Community elder

What does this site show?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Your testing via WiFi so your tests are not accurate, 900mb Is insanely fast over wifi

Community elder

Hence the reason for checking the speed to the HUB!

Tuning in


Interesting, I didn’t know about this tool! So speeds to the Hub look really good (I’m intrigued to know how this can actually be tested). These speeds are certainly nothing much to complain about, I agree, but I’d certainly expect to be pushing nearer the top end more consistently.

image doesnt work, but i guess its the samknows test, it just has the software built into the router to test it properly 🙂




Connection: Virgin FTTP Gig2 (XGSPON)

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Recoil13 👋.

Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community Forums. Apologies for the delay in responding, we kind of do have what is known as a settling in period, it is more where we do let the speeds build up to their optimum rather than just hammer full speed at a new device, so it can go up and down. You will get varied speeds over WiFi connection but we do have our guideline thresholds that do define what would be regarded as slow speeds, but for any guaranteed speeds we always advise this over a wired connection rather than wireless.

I hope this helps. 


"we kind of do have what is known as a settling in period, it is more where we do let the speeds build up to their optimum rather than just hammer full speed at a new device, so it can go up and down." 

How is this managed then? Does some dedicated VM employee manually taper, on an individual hub by hub basis, the "Max Traffic Rate" value in the hub's Config files to delicately ease the hub in? A beautiful vision and one to cherish. 

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