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Which wired only (2.5Gbit) router for Hub 5?

Tuning in

I have a Hub 5 in modem mode because find ethernet more reliable. It deserves a router to serve multiple media displays and homemade PCs but I am a bit network-phobic so never quite got round to it. 

Since Virgin kindly replaced my Hub 3 with a 5 due to speed snafus (long story) I feel I ought to bite the bullet and also try to futureproof the set up, bearing in mind the 2.5Gb capability of the 5.

Which SOHO ethernet only router would work? I am having trouble finding an appropriately modest router with 2.5Gb. I read comments suggesting netgear devices are not compatible with Sagemcom.

I have seen Mikrotik hEX S but it has 1000Mbit max, guessing it could be a pragmatic choice as I am currently on 320Mbit and its plenty, not likely to exceed 1Gbit in the near future.
At the other end of the market there is Mikrotik RB5009UG+S+IN which does have a 2.5 port but looks a bit like overkill for my dinky little gaming & media set up and I am not sure how to make the best use of it.

Is there anything like the hEX with 2.5Gbit ... or something plug n play and conveniently idiotproof which would work?

grateful for any advice, thanks


Accepted Solutions

Alessandro Volta

In our Hub one can turn off just the Wi-Fi.

From the Hub menu :   Advanced settings >> Wireless >> Wireless signal

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Alessandro Volta

You may want to stay at 1Gb for the time being when the right time for 2.5Gb happens and will be cheaper.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You could go for a router with a 2.5 WAM port, but trying to future proof is very difficult. There will be increases of speed in the future up to 10G and even 100G. The router I use a UniFi UDM Pro has a SPF+ port in which I use a multi speed adapter to Ethernet, currently Ethernet to 2.5 for my Hub5, but able to be increased.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Tuning in

Well thanks for the suggestion, if I was running security for a shopping center that would be just the job, specially with a nice fat SSD to record fascinating snippets of human behaviour for a YouTube compendium .

But a UniFi looks a little excessive to my own requirements, inrelation to that, while googling for more info I saw a post suggesting Ubiquiti ER models have processing overheads which Mikrotik don't as much. Which is why I am looking at the Mikrotiks. Though the suggestion about them is they might be a bit clunky to set up.

Tuning in

I do get the point about stepping down an SPF.

I am still looking and there is one big factor which is power consumption.

If I look at that -

Ubiquiti ER 4 is 13W
Ubiquiti ER 6p is 16W
Ubiquiti ER X is 5W
Mikrotik RB5009UG+S+IN is 20W
Mikrotik hEX S is 6W

So if I go for the lower power options, which look quite similar, I will save about £9 a year and 10kg carbon.

Alessandro Volta

It all depends on how much your are looking to spend ...

Alessandro Volta

@booly wrote:

I am still looking and there is one big factor which is power consumption.

If your going to be like that why not just use the hub



@legacy1 wrote:

@booly wrote:

I am still looking and there is one big factor which is power consumption.

If your going to be like that why not just use the hub

I am not having wifi operating if I am not using it. Its a security risk and RF power laws apply as it is right next to my PC station.

Modem mode disables routing along with wifi by design. Why is there no option to disable wifi and keep ethernet routing?

Alessandro Volta

In our Hub one can turn off just the Wi-Fi.

From the Hub menu :   Advanced settings >> Wireless >> Wireless signal

Tuning in

Thanks Client62 , that works! 

I tried but couldn't do that with the Hub 3, even phoned up Virgin and couldn't get it working.

I do remember seeing the 2.4 and 5GHz check boxes in Hub 5 but didn't twig they would completely disable wifi. I was looking for a big red OFF button. But if I check those it shows the service is off and the ethernet router works so hopefully problem solved. I can now update all my stuff, oh joy!