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Upload Speed

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This started 2 days ago and i've been experiencing some REALLY slow Upload Speed. It takes 3 minutes to load a website and when i play games i get 1000-3000 ping which i've never gotten before so its unplayable. 



I done a test and the download speed is alright but the Upload speed is terrible i paid my bills and nothings wrong so i dont know what to do.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You need to post the power levels and network log from your Hub for comment.

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Alessandro Volta

What upload speed you get with phone?


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @ares

Thank you for your post and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm very sorry to hear you've been facing some upload connection speed issues recently. Are these ongoing today? Is that speed test taken from being on a wired connection, or a wireless/Wi-Fi connection?



Zach - Forum Team
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