on 26-10-2023 11:01
I’ve just signed up to virgin and getting excellent speeds next to the hub. So with all devices connected In total about 11 devices. With me getting 800+ next to the router I know the speed is good even with all these connected meaning they can’t be the issue. So I go into the back room where I have a PS5… it drops to around 480mbps. Contacted Virgin who said because I’m on gig1 I get the pods included. Can you tell me if I plug this pod in next to ps5 will it boost speeds back to 800+, and what benefits could I gain from using Ethernet port from the pod?
kind regards
on 26-10-2023 11:00
I’ve just signed up to virgin and getting excellent speeds next to the hub. So with all devices connected In total about 11 devices. With me getting 800+ next to the router I know the speed is good even with all these connected meaning they can’t be the issue. So I go into the back room where I have a PS5… it drops to around 480mbps. Contacted Virgin who said because I’m on gig1 I get the pods included. Can you tell me if I plug this pod in next to ps5 will it boost speeds back to 800+, and what benefits could I gain from using Ethernet port from the pod?
kind regards
on 26-10-2023 11:18
Pods are meant to be in an area halfway between the Hub and the problem area. If you want full speeds to your PS5, I would suggest you use a Cat 6 ethernet cable. Wifi has too many variables that can interfere with speed, To this end, VM only guarantee a WIfi speed of 20Mb.
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on 26-10-2023 11:20
Please do not double post. I've replied in your other thread.
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on 26-10-2023 11:25
Hiya mate
im aware a full wired connection would give me full speed. All I want is the same WiFi speed I get at the router to get to the area I’m in. So if it’s 800 at router and 800 at pod… happy days.
i may run an Ethernet cable eventually
on 26-10-2023 11:27
I doubt if you will get 800 from the Pod, as they are, I believe, extenders. Besides, you will not know if you are connected to the Pod or the Hub, as the "management" app leaves a lot to be desired IMHO.
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26-10-2023 19:52 - edited 26-10-2023 19:55
The pods use WiFi-5 so will be no-where near 800Mbps. They could potentially reduce the speed your PS5 is getting from the HUB's WiFi-6.
Oh and the VM guarantee is now a 'dizzy' 30Mbps.
on 26-10-2023 20:25
Hi Carl.
what do you know about pass through as someone’s suggested I use these to boost the speed at the back. As I can gather the data runs through from the router to the tp link then into the wiring system and back out another tp link into a device with cat 6 or cat 8… told this may boost it up. I’m an electrical engineer so this kind of makes sense to me as it’s using the wiring as connectivity links.
26-10-2023 20:35 - edited 26-10-2023 20:41
Powerline adapters?
Unfortunately they rely on the eletrical curcuit in your home and are never as fast as advertised (Around 350Mbps is good).
You really need to run ethernet within your home to get a good, stable, speed.
I have two Asus WiFi-6 router that are combined to use AiMesh. Both routers are connected via a 2.5Gbps ethernet connection, referred to as a 'backhaul', (Run within the walls) and I get great WiFi-6 speeds upstairs and downstairs in my home, as well as full wired connectivity.
on 26-10-2023 20:42
Yeah that’s the ones. Powerline adapters. The issue with running Ethernet everywhere is ripping everything up… or trailing cables which is not good for anyone. Because pod is free to me on gig 1 I’m gonna try it if no good I can always do that approach. So you’ve ran 2 WiFi 6 routers in tandem? Thing is my bedrooms directly above router more or less and I get 760 so it’s crazy how it can’t travel sideways to the conservatory as fast