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Slow speeds

Tuning in

I have the 600 mbps package, however the WiFi lately has been poor, worse than normal today.

I have the hub 3.

The last 2 speedtests were showing just 43mbps down and 0.5 mbps upload, this was over WiFi stood next to the hub 3.

Aside from rebooting the hub....I'd welcome some help to get what I'm paying for.


I've no idea what an attenuator is lol but it's just the cables in the back so I'd say no...

Yeah - that connection is horrible - I'd wait it out for VM forum staff to get to this - they'll be able to resolve it for you!

Hub 3 - Modem Mode - TP-Link Archer C7

Thanks for all the help...

I note you use your own router, I've read the hub3 may not be the best, is it worth just buying one and being done with it.

I'd say so - but only if your broadband line is working properly!

If your incoming connection is garbage - a new router will only be able to route garbage!

Let VM sort out your connection before thinking about it!

Hub 3 - Modem Mode - TP-Link Archer C7

Thanks again for your help.... don't suppose there's a way to tag anyone...

The wife works from home and this is somehow my fault for not fixing it 🤣

Isn't it always!!! 🙂

Alas no - best to just wait it out!

An option is to call CS on 150 (or 0345 454 1111)
It'll ask you to reboot the hub (as you already have done - don't)
You will then be cut off
Wait a couple of minutes
Call 150 again - report a broadband fault - The system will recognise that you called before and transfer you to a person!

Hub 3 - Modem Mode - TP-Link Archer C7

Spoke 150....intermittent fault apparently, will resolve itself in 24 hours....apparently 

I'm no expert but I'd say 24 hours on things aren't better