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Ridiculous latency

Tuning in

Really just wanting a moan here.

My sister moved into a property around 4 months ago and took Virgin Broadband on my recommendation. All she has done is complain that it's impossible to stream any of the catch-up services or use Netflix.

I went over today and done a speed test via fastDOTcom and speedtestDOTnet. Both are giving a loaded ping of over 1 second via WiFi and around 700ms when connected via ethernet.

Despite this going on for 4 months, I called tech support and was told it will be fixed in 24 hours. 

I should say, her actual speed is fine. It's the latency that's causing the issues. Checked the "Router Status" and the signals are fine, but there are pre and post RS errors in the tens of thousands.

I know it won't be. 

Wish me luck with this battle...


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Reboot the Hub (this is the first thing VM will ask in any case) and check the PostRS errors.  If they rise quickly, that's a sign of a problem.  Try checking with Area faults on 0800 561 0061 or if you have a VM landline 150 as small local faults are not listed on the VM status page.

Post the power levels, Pre and PostRS errors and network log from the Hub. Also setup a BQM to monitor your circuit

Once done we can comment.

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Alessandro Volta

Don't use the hub in router mode use it in modem mode and get a better router with 1Gb ports
