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Power levels ok? BQM all over the place lately...

Up to speed

Hi, recently my BQM has been showing massive spikes for the maximum latency. I've noticed that my speeds are affected if I start a download on Steam, for example, even though I'm manually locking download speeds at 100MB/s which in the past has been no problem and allowed me to stream anything online and not buffer. Without locking the DL speed in apps like Steam I was able to download at circa 118MB/s, or as mentioned, browse/stream etc with no issues.

I'm on a HUB4, when I was on a HUB3 before upgrading to Gig1, an attenuator was attached by the technician who dropped the HUB3 off at the time. I was told the attenuator would not be needed for Gig1 when arranging the self install kit with the HUB4, and it has been fine since install over a year ago. Until now.

For ref, I am on modem only mode and use my own router (Asus RT AC-68U).

ANy advice apprecaited, maybe need a technician out to investigate?



Stats from hub in the reply post below.


Up to speed

And frustratingly, looking at the past few days of BQM, it started at the start of the week it seems, snapshot of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

During the daytime yesterday for example the internet was actually down or DNS was down I am told (I was at work).

<a title="Broadband Ping" href=""><img alt="My Broadband Ping - VM Gig1" src="" /></a>
<a title="Broadband Ping" href=""><img alt="My Broadband Ping - VM Gig1" src="" /></a>
<a title="Broadband Ping" href=""><img alt="My Broadband Ping - VM Gig1" src="" /></a> 
<a title="Broadband Ping" href=""><img alt="My Broadband Ping - VM Gig1" src="" /></a>


This forum's post boxes are horrendous, why can't VM just use normal forum software like everyone else? I'm repeating the above so the images show...

Tuesday 2nd May 2023


Wednesday 3rd May 2023


Thursday 4th May 2023


Friday 5th May 2023


So yes, this is quite ridiculous and should be addressed assuming it is unrelated to the "outage" mentioned earlier.

Alessandro Volta

A test you can do should it be some kind of QoS for the upstream that I like to call delaying the inevitable is get and just stream something to twitch and see if the jitter drops


Up to speed

I'd rather just VM fix the issue as opposed to do more tests that will only confirm the issue further!

@Tom_W1 that was not the issue as it turns out, and the issue still stands:


Can a technician be called out to sort this please.

Up to speed

Still no contact from the team, even after multiple promises on twitter from VM that the team will get in touch. Does nobody at VM care about customer loyalty these days?

Anyway, I checked the BQM just now and see that the latency has looked much better as of middle of the day: The spikes are still there but it's much more balanced now so will see if it settles to a flat yellow like it once used to be a month ago.



Although not holding my breathe because I did see 2nd and 3rd May where it appeared to be fixed but then was back to massive latency again until above:


Alessandro Volta

Will we ever find the reason why....😌


Hi @robbiekhan 

Thanks for coming back to the thread. Social media isn't an instant response function but apologies for any delayed reply.

I have checked the system and the SNR issue has been resolved. 

How're things looking your side? Please keep us posted with this as we do want to ensure things are sorted for you.

Best wishes.

Forum Team

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I think it's too early to tell, I look at the latest BQM and see it's much better but looking at the last day I can see that it has extremes either side:


Alessandro Volta

was you idle at them times?
