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Not getting close to promised speed

On our wavelength

I'm on Volt M600, but am getting speedtest results (on mobile, pc ethernet, or laptop wifi) of around 175Mbps. 

It's been like this for a year, and didn't realise I was getting the correct dl speed until someone from talktalk came to the door trying to sell their product and said I should be getting more than I am.

How can I get close to the advertised speed?


Alessandro Volta

Test by wire directly to the hub with a CAT6 cable and boot PC in safe mode with networking


Community elder

Use the below site to check the speed to the HUB over the VM network:


On our wavelength

Screenshot 2023-05-13 180243.jpg


So it's your devices, not the connection over the VM network.


Is the desktop computer connected via a Powerline adaptor or via WiFi ?

VM supplied Powerline


162 Mb/s over a Powerline connection is quite decent.
If we ignored the speed test, I'd expect the PC to work perfectly on every genuine business task.

@beardedian wrote:

VM supplied Powerline

That's your issue.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @beardedian 

Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community. I am sorry to hear of any lower speeds. 

I have ran a system diagnostic today and no issues are showing, all your levels are in spec and also no issue with SNR (signal to noise ratio) or congestion.

Please could you run the wired speedtest direct to the router, via laptop/PC at the site above? 

For any WiFi issues, please use the Connect App to run a wireless scan in the property, this will help identify and optimise any coverage issues and if any Pods are required, you'll be prompted to order.

Keep us posted.

Best wishes.

Forum Team

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