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1GIG unusable speed and packet loss

Dialled in

Since 930 is this morning my connection has been unusable. It's a RFOG connection 

web pages hardly load speed is down to sub 100mbs and the internet keeps stalling. 

I have done the usual of rebooting everything

Virgin checker says there is no issues in my area but for some reason the online tester keeps timing out. 




Sub 100 connections can be a sign of a network connection that has de-rated from 1000 to 100 Mb/s.

The Hub or the computer can display the connection speed to see if this is the case, a cable defect can be the cause.

Check for local faults info on 0800 561 0061 - this is automated and more useful than the Check service status link.

The connection to the router is fine. I have checked the automated service checker and says no issues like usual.

The ThinkBB graph has NOTHING to do with my home network and just pings the router at the WAN port so yeah its a Virgin issue.

also Sam knows real speed is showing my connection speed from Virgin to the router all over the place from 50 to 1000mbs in jumping about when its usually a solid 1150

Alessandro Volta
Yep something terrible has happened what does your upstream levels and T# timeouts show?

Upstream bonded channels

Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID
04620000036.35120QAM 643
13940000036.35120QAM 644
232600000365120QAM 645
32360000036.35120QAM 646

Upstream bonded channels

Channel Channel Type T1 Timeouts T2 Timeouts T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts

Alessandro Volta

And your in router mode?

run a CMD by wire

ping -n 200

run a test here if the loss is downstream or upstream

Packet Loss Test – Test Your Connection Quality
