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Safety Hazard- Bad installation

Tuning in


My neighbour has recently had Virgin Media media installed and when the wires were installed the engineer has fed the wires through our front garden which is a safety hazard as the wires are quite long, i am unable to pull the wires out or cut them as they are live, I have small children (one with disabilities) and we did not give permission for the wires to be on our front garden as this is a safety hazard for us. I am unable to mow the grass in the garden due to these wires.

I have spoken to virgin over the phone two weeks ago about this and no one has come back to me. I am not a Virgin customer so the wires are not needed on my property.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @LauraL2023 👋 Welcome to our forum and thanks for your post 😊

I'm sorry the install at your neighbours house has caused a trip hazard at your property, this certainly isn't something we'd expect to see 😔

Our team would certainly be happy to take a look at correcting this, however, we'd need the permission of your neighbour for an engineer to be sent to do a rewire. As this is the case it would be best to speak to them if possible to ask that they contact us so this can be arranged.

All contact methods for our team can be found here.



The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules

Hi Nathan,

I am not able to approach my neighbours about this. It is not my job to do this, Virgin should contact my neighbours and rearrange this. The wires are a safety hazard, which have been incorrectly installed by Virgin.

Thanks for your reply, as we won't know their details unless they contact us to let us know, we would be unable to contact them.



The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules

I am happy to provide my address and their address in a private message.

We would be unable to contact them directly however as we'd need to pass data protection with them to access the account to confirm the contact details.

I can understand this is frustrating but the best way to have this resolved would be to ask them to contact us.



The do's and don'ts. Keep the community welcoming for all. Follow the house rules

@LauraL2023 wrote:

I am happy to provide my address and their address in a private message.

What a very strange exchange is taking place in this topic.

The OP has a recently-installed VM cable in her garden (which is nothing to do with her) and VM's reply is 'there is nothing we can do about this unless your neighbour makes contact with us'!

Quite bizarre!

@LauraL2023, I'd suggest that you post some photos of the cable up on here for public record which will demonstrate that you have clearly given VM all adequate information and details of the problem of their cable on your property.

It is up to VM to remedy the problem, not you, as you have already stated.

After doing that you will probably get various suggestions from others on here to take drastic action yourself with a pair of wire cutters. Not something I would generally recommend myself but your perfectly reasonable approach for the problem to be corrected by VM seems to have been closed down immediately without a sensible suggestion of how to remedy the issue. I imagine your neighbour will have zero interest in trying to achieve the impossible task of contacting VM to get the cable moved..

Having posted some pic's, and provided VM with your address info (only via PM if that is offered, not here in public). Then you will have given VM all necessary info to fix the problem.

If VM still fails to do that, then you will have to consider other options.

thanks for your response, I think the engineer at the time thought as my garden was slightly overgrown he could dump the wires there whilst I was out



So, to clarify, the green plastic conduit is on your neighbour's side of the fence but you have been left with a coil of excess cable on your side of the fence?

Sorry I'm not very technical but the green part has been fed through our fence and the rest of the wires have been put on our side they are connected but it must've been the excess wire they had, I'm unable to pull the wire out and chuck it over as it's dug in the ground on my neighbours side.

If I cut the wire my neighbour won't be able to have Internet etc.