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Netflix Account Hacked

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Hi yesterday i noticed i had been signed out of my Netflix account, when i tried to log back in the email was not recognised.

I spoke to Netflix and have been told to contact Virgin Media to delete my account and create a new one, but after looking on the Virgin media website to contact them about this i seem to be going around in circles trying to find the right help section to contact, i hope someone on here can please help me.



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Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @Focus666,

Welcome to the Community Forum and thanks for the post.

Sorry to hear that you have been having this issue. We unfortunately don't own the Netflix account to process any deletion for this as the account is owned by Netflix we only use their service.

Netflix do have a useful link here for what to do if your email has been changed without your permission, we recommend following the steps provided there.

Thanks. Joe

Thanks Joe for the reply, however i have been going around in circles today. Netflix say i need to speak to Virgin Media to get them to close the account and create a new one but Virgin Media say because it's part of a bundle they would have to cancel the whole bundle and start a new one!

I was told a manager would call me today to discuss the matter but no phone call. So after calling back again and going through the story to a  different person it seems that i can access Netflix through the Tivo box and it shows a different Email address to mine showing it's been hacked, she has raised a ticket and promises it will be resolved in 5 working days but probably sooner. I have my fingers crossed.

Hi, due to the security breach at VM I also had this done. I contacted Netflix directly and got lucky as he acknowledged the account had been compromised, he immediately reset everything, I changed to new PW whilst he stayed on line to make sure it worked. He was excellent, so it can be done you just need to talk to the right person on the day. Hope this helps