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Virgin have used my garden to supply neighbour without seeking authority

Tuning in

...and Virgin consider this acceptable!...and Virgin consider this acceptable!

I have been complaining to Virgin since last June about the manner in which they have supplied a Broadband connection to my neigbour. Thay have basically run a bright green conduit at a very shallow depth in my garden and then fixed the cable along my wall to a large junction box before crossing over to my neigbous house....and all without first seeking my permission. 5 official complaints later and I am still being fobbed off. The last two complaints were raised and cancelled the next day supposedly following a call with me. I am fed up with Chat Bots and lengthy phone queues. Does anyone know where I should take this? 

Thank you




Alessandro Volta

Thought about it (other hardware stores are available) 🙂  Perhaps I'm being too nice, but I do actually get on well with my neighbour. It's not there doing...

Write them a letter (use recorded delivery) and ask them to provide a copy of the wayleave agreement that permits them to serve other properties by crossing your land. When they reply to say they have nothing on record then you'll have a name and a contact that you can follow up with.

Knows their stuff

Client 62 gave the only advice that will work. VM will do nothing - they have latched on to the fact that most people are nice and reluctant to make a fuss. The dispute is actually for your neighbour to sort out with VM after you have used the cutters. Give VM a chance to collect their property before dumping it in a skip. You could consider legal action against these clowns but is it really worth it. Keep onside with your neighbour - VM are certainly unconcerned they could be starting a feud.

Good luck

Knows their stuff

And VM have just this minute awarded me a Superstar badge - I am humbled by this absolute honour - nice to know they think my advice is good. The drinks are on me

Not applicable

They just love your positive posts 👍😉

@spell wrote:

And VM have just this minute awarded me a Superstar badge - I am humbled by this absolute honour - nice to know they think my advice is good. The drinks are on me

Thank you very much, double brandy for me!😃


@RH7 wrote:

...and Virgin consider this acceptable!...and Virgin consider this acceptable!

I have been complaining to Virgin since last June about the manner in which they have supplied a Broadband connection to my neigbour. Thay have basically run a bright green conduit at a very shallow depth in my garden and then fixed the cable along my wall to a large junction box before crossing over to my neigbous house....and all without first seeking my permission. 5 official complaints later and I am still being fobbed off. The last two complaints were raised and cancelled the next day supposedly following a call with me. I am fed up with Chat Bots and lengthy phone queues. Does anyone know where I should take this? 

Thank you



Ok. now here's the bottom line, VM will absolutely do nothing about this - so tough. But think about it from their point of view, right now, everything is working, your neighbour is getting an internet connection and is paying them money each month - so all is well!

And it'll stay like that until all isn't well, but unfortunately the only way to force this is to cut off your neighbour's connection via the medium of a pair of cable cutters and a skip, and then when and if VM's contractors turn up to rectify it, you absolutely deny them permission to use your property.

Now this is a real bummer for your neighbour, but ultimately it's not your problem.

Alessandro Volta

Without discussion or warning remove the illegal cable run and all wall boxes, discard them as rubbish.

The folks next should not have stood by and watched such a cable placement.