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Sudden broadband failure

Tuning in


As of about 1am today, my broadband connection has become practically unusable. Speeds varying from 30Kbps to 10Mbps, if I even manage to load something like ookla/

I've tried the usual rounds, other devices, wired/wireless, restart, reset, power cycle etc, but I'm still seeing an actual lack of connection to the router. Every device I've tried is having the same issues on wifi, and both wired computers are seeing the same issue regardless of which cables I use.

Running the diagnostic on the Hub 4 itself just shows the following (though has shown "Your broadband connection is not working" a few hours ago)

image (1).png

The status page shows the following;

3.0 Downstream channels
Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) SNR (dB) Modulation Channel ID
41 451000000 5.500000 38.983261 QAM256 41
12 227000000 4.599998 38.983261 QAM256 12
10 211000000 5.099998 40.366287 QAM256 10
11 219000000 4.800003 40.366287 QAM256 11
13 235000000 4.900002 38.983261 QAM256 13
14 243000000 5.099998 40.366287 QAM256 14
15 251000000 5.000000 40.366287 QAM256 15
16 259000000 5.199997 40.366287 QAM256 16
17 267000000 5.800003 40.366287 QAM256 17
18 275000000 5.699997 40.366287 QAM256 18
19 283000000 5.800003 40.366287 QAM256 19
20 291000000 5.800003 40.366287 QAM256 20
21 299000000 5.900002 38.983261 QAM256 21
22 307000000 5.400002 40.366287 QAM256 22
23 315000000 4.599998 38.983261 QAM256 23
24 323000000 4.599998 38.983261 QAM256 24
25 331000000 4.900002 38.983261 QAM256 25
26 339000000 5.800003 38.983261 QAM256 26
27 347000000 6.199997 40.366287 QAM256 27
28 355000000 6.000000 38.983261 QAM256 28
29 363000000 5.699997 38.983261 QAM256 29
30 371000000 5.599998 38.983261 QAM256 30
31 379000000 5.699997 38.983261 QAM256 31
32 387000000 5.300003 38.605377 QAM256 32
34 395000000 5.099998 38.983261 QAM256 34
35 403000000 4.400002 38.983261 QAM256 35
36 411000000 4.300003 38.983261 QAM256 36
37 419000000 4.400002 38.983261 QAM256 37
38 427000000 5.300003 38.605377 QAM256 38
39 435000000 5.400002 40.366287 QAM256 39
40 443000000 5.400002 40.366287 QAM256 40

3.0 Downstream channels
Channel Lock Status RxMER (dB) Pre RS Errors Post RS Errors
41 Locked 38.983261 0 0
12 Locked 38.983261 0 0
10 Locked 40.366287 0 0
11 Locked 40.366287 0 0
13 Locked 38.983261 0 0
14 Locked 40.366287 0 0
15 Locked 40.366287 0 0
16 Locked 40.366287 0 0
17 Locked 40.366287 0 0
18 Locked 40.366287 0 0
19 Locked 40.366287 0 0
20 Locked 40.366287 0 0
21 Locked 38.983261 0 0
22 Locked 40.366287 0 0
23 Locked 38.983261 0 0
24 Locked 38.983261 0 0
25 Locked 38.983261 0 0
26 Locked 38.983261 0 0
27 Locked 40.366287 0 0
28 Locked 38.983261 0 0
29 Locked 38.983261 0 0
30 Locked 38.983261 0 0
31 Locked 38.983261 0 0
32 Locked 38.605377 0 0
34 Locked 38.983261 0 0
35 Locked 38.983261 0 0
36 Locked 38.983261 0 0
37 Locked 38.983261 0 0
38 Locked 38.605377 0 0
39 Locked 40.366287 0 0
40 Locked 40.366287 0 0

3.1 Downstream channels
Channel Channel Width (MHz) FFT Type Number of Active Subcarriers Modulation (Active Profile) First Active Subcarrier (Hz)
33 96 4K 1840 QAM4096 759

3.1 Downstream channels
Channel ID Lock Status RxMER Data (dB) PLC Power (dBmV) Correcteds (Active Profile) Uncorrectables (Active Profile)
33 Locked 39 -2.0 118254227 32

3.0 Upstream channels
Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID
1 43100000 44.770599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 2
2 30100000 45.520599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 4
3 49600000 45.270599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 1
4 36600000 45.020599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 3
5 23600000 45.770599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 9

3.0 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Type T1 Timeouts T2 Timeouts T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts
1 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
2 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
3 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
4 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
5 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0

3.1 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Width (MHz) Power (dBmV) FFT Type Modulation
10 10.8 40.5 2K QAM128

3.1 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Type Number of Active Subcarriers First Active Subcarrier (Hz) T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts
10 OFDMA 220 53.4 2 0

I hear there was a bit of a hiccup this morning at around that time, but it's been the same for the past 15hrs or so now, and VM's status still shows now issues in my postcode. Not sure if it's relevant, but I originally signed up for VM at a different address. Booked a move with VM, moved, plugged Hub 4 in and saw full speeds I expected (Gig1) for 3 weeks.

Unfortunately, the previous tenant at the new property gave VM the wrong address when they had it installed, (along the lines of someone gave "The Pines" when they should've said "64 Zoo Lane") so when booking the move they said they'd need to contact the current customer for a cancellation before they'd move mine. I spoke with an agent earlier today and they said the same thing, so clearly they haven't spoken to the old customer yet, however they did confirm that the new postcode is the one on my account at the moment.

However, on VM's end, it seems they still have my old address in there somewhere, as if I click "Check Service Status" from MyVM's homepage while signed in, it immediately starts checking the old postcode. Also, if I try to go through the status page while not signed in and give it my current postcode/surname, it complains that combo wasn't found.

So I'm not sure if the connection's been actively turned off, or if it's a lingering issue from this morning. I'm not able to check anything more specific than a postcode since somewhere VM have gotten some wires crossed, but it's definitely an issue with the broadband connection rather than something in the house.

Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated, not sure if I should keep waiting in the hope it fixes itself, or get an engineer booked in since presumably they can actually get the address for the line that comes into my living room updated?


Alessandro Volta

Call 0800 561 0061 for automated reports / updates on local service faults.

This is a Hub 4 so since the last firmware blooper we do not get to see 3.0 DS errors.

But on the 3.1 channel there are 118,254,227 Pre RS errors bur very oddly only 32 Post Rs errors.

Some kind of internet service disruption has occurred which matches with the Hub's Diagnostic Test

I have tried calling the 0800 5610061 service a few times already (and just did so again!), both entering my VM landline number, or account+area code both just say there aren't any local issues.

Is it plausible that the service disruption this morning has borked something in a way it won't recover by itself?

Tuning in

Oops, wasn't aware the BQM link didn't work, this one should now;

I've also tried installing the 6dB attenuator that I had installed at my previous property, but the moving team specifically said I wouldn't need here (presumably it was right for the signal strength at the other property, not here), and suddenly the packet loss has improved considerably. Not sure if these signal strengths are a bit low now, I don't recall them being this low at the other property.

Anyone able to judge if that attenuator was actually a sensible fix, or just masking the issue for now?

3.0 Downstream channels
Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) SNR (dB) Modulation Channel ID
12 227000000 -1.000000 38.605377 QAM256 12
1 139000000 -0.500000 38.983261 QAM256 1
2 147000000 -0.400002 38.983261 QAM256 2
3 155000000 -0.200001 40.366287 QAM256 3
4 163000000 -0.099998 40.366287 QAM256 4
5 171000000 -0.200001 40.366287 QAM256 5
6 179000000 -0.400002 40.366287 QAM256 6
7 187000000 -0.500000 40.366287 QAM256 7
8 195000000 -0.599998 40.366287 QAM256 8
9 203000000 -0.599998 40.366287 QAM256 9
10 211000000 -0.500000 40.366287 QAM256 10
11 219000000 -0.799999 38.983261 QAM256 11
13 235000000 -0.799999 38.983261 QAM256 13
14 243000000 -0.500000 40.366287 QAM256 14
15 251000000 -0.500000 40.946209 QAM256 15
16 259000000 -0.299999 38.983261 QAM256 16
17 267000000 0.200001 40.366287 QAM256 17
18 275000000 0.099998 40.366287 QAM256 18
19 283000000 0.200001 40.946209 QAM256 19
20 291000000 0.299999 40.366287 QAM256 20
21 299000000 0.500000 38.983261 QAM256 21
22 307000000 -0.299999 38.983261 QAM256 22
23 315000000 -0.900002 38.605377 QAM256 23
24 323000000 -1.000000 38.983261 QAM256 24
25 331000000 -0.599998 38.983261 QAM256 25
26 339000000 0.000000 38.605377 QAM256 26
27 347000000 0.299999 40.366287 QAM256 27
28 355000000 0.200001 38.605377 QAM256 28
29 363000000 0.200001 38.983261 QAM256 29
30 371000000 0.099998 38.983261 QAM256 30
31 379000000 -0.200001 38.605377 QAM256 31


3.0 Downstream channels
Channel Lock Status RxMER (dB) Pre RS Errors Post RS Errors
12 Locked 38.605377 0 0
1 Locked 38.983261 0 0
2 Locked 38.983261 0 0
3 Locked 40.366287 0 0
4 Locked 40.366287 0 0
5 Locked 40.366287 0 0
6 Locked 40.366287 0 0
7 Locked 40.366287 0 0
8 Locked 40.366287 0 0
9 Locked 40.366287 0 0
10 Locked 40.366287 0 0
11 Locked 38.983261 0 0
13 Locked 38.983261 0 0
14 Locked 40.366287 0 0
15 Locked 40.946209 0 0
16 Locked 38.983261 0 0
17 Locked 40.366287 0 0
18 Locked 40.366287 0 0
19 Locked 40.946209 0 0
20 Locked 40.366287 0 0
21 Locked 38.983261 0 0
22 Locked 38.983261 0 0
23 Locked 38.605377 0 0
24 Locked 38.983261 0 0
25 Locked 38.983261 0 0
26 Locked 38.605377 0 0
27 Locked 40.366287 0 0
28 Locked 38.605377 0 0
29 Locked 38.983261 0 0
30 Locked 38.983261 0 0
31 Locked 38.605377 0 0


3.1 Downstream channels
Channel Channel Width (MHz) FFT Type Number of Active Subcarriers Modulation (Active Profile) First Active Subcarrier (Hz)
33 96 4K 1840 QAM4096 759

3.1 Downstream channels
Channel ID Lock Status RxMER Data (dB) PLC Power (dBmV) Correcteds (Active Profile) Uncorrectables (Active Profile)
33 Locked 40 -5.6 13035265 0

3.0 Upstream channels
Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID
1 43100000 50.520599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 2
2 30100000 51.020599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 4
3 49600000 50.770599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 1
4 36600000 50.520599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 3
5 23600000 51.270599 5120 KSym/sec 64QAM 9


3.0 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Type T1 Timeouts T2 Timeouts T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts
1 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
2 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
3 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
4 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0
5 US_TYPE_ATDMA 0 0 0 0


3.1 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Width (MHz) Power (dBmV) FFT Type Modulation
10 10.8 46.0 2K QAM128

3.1 Upstream channels
Channel Channel Type Number of Active Subcarriers First Active Subcarrier (Hz) T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts
10 OFDMA 220 53.4 0 0

@Coconutcoo wrote:

I've also tried installing the 6dB attenuator .....

better without


Gave it another go without, in the hopes that it was just the restart that fixed it, but no luck. The moment I removed the attenuator, back to the usual results.

I can just leave it in and move on, or it this something I should keep looking into?

Hi @Coconutcoo 👋 Thank you for your post 😀

We're sorry to hear about the problems you've been experiencing with your broadband 😔

We have checked our systems and can see you would benefit from having one of our technicians out to visit you. 

In order to arrange that, we'll send you a direct message on here. Look out for the red envelope in the top right-hand corner.

Thank you for your support @Client62 and @legacy1
