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Router interface

Dialled in

I like to rename my connections on the router so I know exactly what is connected, and to troubleshoot if there’s any issues. Also for parental controls. 
Whilst the web interface for the hub does allow renaming, you can only do it on the home page, where generally it’s just labelled unknown. You need to be on the connected devices page so you can refer to the MAC address, however this page doesn’t allow renaming, so you have flick backwards and forwards each time. Ok once it’s set up, but a pain at the time. And if I ever have to reset the hub, will have to do it all again! The ability to rename on the connected devices page would be so much easier. 

Also this doesn’t translate to the connect app, where you have to rename again if you want to check on there. The connect app does make it easier though and there are more options for device type as well. And when I got a new hub, translated straight over which was a godsend!

Another issue with the connect app, there seems to be a small disparity with what’s connected at the time, compared to the hub interface. Sometimes devices I know are connected don’t show on the connect app, and devices which aren’t stay in the list, even after resetting.

Minor issues I know, but both interfaces could be a bit more user friendly, especially parental controls, where setting up filters isn’t the easiest. They should look at the ASUS router interface for a more user friendly experience. 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Borospark wrote:

<snip>   They should look at the ASUS router interface for a more user friendly experience. 

Best to stick the Hub in modem mode and get a good ASUS Router then  🙂

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I did when I had a hub 3, which struggled with the amount of devices we have, but after 8 years of mostly good use was starting to fail.
Rather than buy a new router, went for the hub 5 which seems to be working fine at the moment, and cuts down on the amount of plugs!

I agree an alternative router to the Hub would suit better. Education is also more effective than enforcement / resentment.

Avoid using the VM Connect app's "WiFi Pausing" aka the Hub's "Wireless MAC filtering".

Weekly I post how to disable the function from the Hub's menus in order to restore a working WiFi service.