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Returning Old Router

Tuning in

Weve been with Virgin for YEARS. Finally got a new router which is amazing..all set up and running. At the time was told IF we needed to return the old router details would be in with the new router. NOTHING was mentioned in there and we had received no correspondence regarding it, and as it is SO old (and I mean old), we have now disposed of it!! 

Weeks later I have now had an email saying that Virgin are waiting for me to return it. Well..its too late now? Am I going to get threats to be charged for this? I find communication with Virgin so frustrating. Nothing is clear and Im finding getting in touch/speaking to someone so difficult as you end up in circles with no clear answer.

Can someone please help? 



Super solver

This link sets out what they require re returns

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

Thamks but like many others I can see posting today..we were instructed to recycle it when our new hub arrived. Nothing about returning it 🤷‍♀️ Its too late now anyway..we no longer have the equipment. I just want to ensure theyre not going to charge me for doing exactly what they asked us to do in the first place.. 

Hi @STORM7, thanks for reaching out to us and a warm welcome to the VM Community forums. 👋🏼

I'm sorry to hear about the confusion regarding the equipment.
May I ask what model hub you have? Are you able to send an image of it?

Let us know and we can go on from there.

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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I dont have an image of it and Im not able to take one..we recycled it like the packaging for the new hub asked us to do! It was a Hub3 I believe? And we now have a Hub 4.. 

Alessandro Volta

There are several posts at the moment on the same subject, due to the way VM have mishandled recycling. 

Under the WEEE Regulations they have for a long time been responsible for collecting and recycling any unwanted equipment that they had supplied. But they have only asked back recent items that they can reissue to other customers, and left it to the customer to get rid of items they do not want.

It seems that the authorities have caught up with VM now, but they are still trying to dump the problem with the customer. 

What VM should do now is put a clear statement on their recycling page about equipment that has already been disposed of. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Wholly agree. We now have a lot of customers who have recycled the old hubs as requested. Now someone has decided it’s a good idea to ask for them back. As you say, a proper statement is required from VM to address this disaster. 

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Thanks for coming back to us in the Community and apologies once again for any inconvenience this has caused. 

We are always monitoring any stock we have and the demands for certain items so this does sometimes mean we need to request something back that may not have been a returnable item previously. This allows us to ensure we keep on top of stock levels as well as being as environmentally friendly as possible by recycling and reusing items. ♻

We did recently add the Hub 3 back on to our list for returns however the email you would have received would have been asking you to return it, if you still have it. As you have already recycled this, there is nothing more you need to do. 

You won't get any other reminders and won't be charged for not returning it either. 🙂

I hope this helps to alleviate any concerns you may have had but if you do have any further questions or concerns, pop back and let us know. 

Many thanks,

Forum Team

New around here? Check out the do's and don'ts, in our Community FAQs

Hi Kath

Thank you for confirming that we do not need to return it as we no longer have it & wont be charged. 

I have includee a copy of the email we received though and I think VM need to reword it when it is sent out in future. It doesnt say "if", its saying "we need" which implies that it isnt optional. 


 Thanks 😊

Hi @STORM7, no problem at all.

We always take on board feedback we receive and will certainly pass this along to the relevant teams. 
