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Repeatedly Delayed installation

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Hi All,

Our Wi-Fi was meant to be installed on the 1st of August 2023. Less than 24 Hours before this date, we were told additional work needed to be carried out. 

I was told a temporary Wi-Fi box would be dispatched but this never arrived.

I liaised with someone to come round to the house and complete the work before the rescheduled date of the 26th of August. This was completed to the best of my knowledge.

Then, 24 hours before the proposed installation we were told the prerequisite work had NOT been completed! 
I’ve then had to ring up and spend hours being passed around numerous departments to find out what was going to happen. 

No one understood if the work had been done or not and no one was willing to find a solution. 

Again, I asked for a temporary Wi-Fi box which never arrived.

Regardless a new date was booked and we we’re finally expecting the Wi-Fi to be installed on the 11th of September.

I Again, asked for a temporary Wi-Fi box, but as you can probably guess, it never arrived.

Again, 3 days before the installation date of the 11th of September we were told the Wi-Fi had been delayed till the 30th of September.

This has not only wasted a considerable amount of my time, it’s also left me questioning whether the Installation will ever proceed.

Throughout the numerous times I’ve contacted virgins customer service I’ve been ‘Promised’ a temporary Wi-Fi box and/or ‘Promised’ a call back from a member of the team. Never have these promises been fulfilled.

I’ll be making a complaint to Ofcom, however, would anyone recommend any further steps to resolve this issue and claim compensation?

Many Thanks,




Accepted Solutions

Alessandro Volta

This has been getting a few mentions recently where the customer is told the outside work is done (and it appears to be to the customer) yet VM fails to complete the job.

Either the work outside is not really done and the contractor is not being entirely truthful for an easy life with the customer or it is yet another example of the non-communication between VM and its sub-contractors.

The no-show of temporary mobile connectivity is also mentioned on here regularly. Those who have actually received one report it was hard to obtain and didn't work brilliantly well. It has been mentioned on here in the past that they are only issues when a 8+ week delay is expected.

Suggest you investigate your own mobile connection on a rolling monthly basis while you wait.

Keep detailed notes as you go along so you have a detailed and accurate timeline of all VM's failures. It will help when you (very likely) have to go to arbitration to claim the correct compensation.

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Alessandro Volta

This has been getting a few mentions recently where the customer is told the outside work is done (and it appears to be to the customer) yet VM fails to complete the job.

Either the work outside is not really done and the contractor is not being entirely truthful for an easy life with the customer or it is yet another example of the non-communication between VM and its sub-contractors.

The no-show of temporary mobile connectivity is also mentioned on here regularly. Those who have actually received one report it was hard to obtain and didn't work brilliantly well. It has been mentioned on here in the past that they are only issues when a 8+ week delay is expected.

Suggest you investigate your own mobile connection on a rolling monthly basis while you wait.

Keep detailed notes as you go along so you have a detailed and accurate timeline of all VM's failures. It will help when you (very likely) have to go to arbitration to claim the correct compensation.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Willhare 👋 Thank you for your post and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

We're really sorry to hear about the poor experience you've had 😔

Have you specifically spoken to the pre-installation team about your concerns? If so, what's the latest information they've provided?

The best number to contact them on is 0800 052 1734.

Advice on how to make a complaint is here, while information on our Automatic Compensation Scheme can be found on the link provided by @goslow.

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience and we'll do our very best to help.


Hi @Goslow,

In complete agreement with the comments you’ve made.

I’ve kept a note of the timelines, appreciate the support.


Many Thanks,


Hi @Daniel_Et 

I’ve spoken to the pre-installation team who’ve said additional work still needs to be completed.

They said they’d be able to complete this work over the weekend (9th,10th September) and would get back in contact with me the following day (this would have been the 4th of September). No one ever got back in contact with me to arrange this.






Hi @Daniel_Et

I've received further updates from the Pre-Installation Team.

Unannounced, an engineer came to the property and carried out the pre-installation work.

I have since called Virgin to inform them that this work has been carried out, however, they still cannot confirm that the work has been completed so are keeping the delayed installation date of the 30th of September.

There's a complete lack of cooperation between Virgin and the pre-installation team. What's needed is effective communication or someone with oversight of the situation to coordinate that installation. However, I can't reach anyone within Virgin who can effectively resolve this, and when I do, the customer service asks me to hold and then I'm transferred to a number that has no one on the other end. Then I have to recall the main number.

I am effectively acting as the project manager for my own Wi-Fi Installation. 

Please can someone contact me directly so that this can finally be installed?


Thanks for the repose @Willhare 😊 Sorry to see you've had a further delay with this.

I'll certainly be happy to look at this further for you so I'll send you a PM to confirm some details.



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