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Not supported in this country?

On our wavelength

Evening folks - I hope that someone may have an answer to the following.

I've recently had a Hub4 replaced because it wouldn't give off any kind of internet signal - no matter if it was via WiFi or Ethernet - it just wouldn't play ball. Prior to these issues, there wasn't any problem apart from the occasional drop off, but would reconnect with (South Yorkshire, specifically) without any need to go anywhere else. Yet, *any* kind of video states that it cannot be viewed, stating "The video you are trying to watch cannot be viewed from your current country or location". I seem to get the same issue in respect of as well, where videos turn around there and state "out of country blocked because client is neither in home country nor in content portability region". BUT I HAVEN'T LEFT ENGLAND!

I'm quite baffled by this as I don't use, nor have any use, for a VPN at all (even though I know how they work). I'm using a Windows 11 laptop, i5 Intel chip, 8gb RAM, integrated graphics, nothing special - and have checked the same problem via Microsoft Edge and Chrome, which both return the same errors as aforementioned.

I must also note that after clearing cookies on Edge a couple of days ago, I've also been forced to re-register my Virgin TV GO by the respective app on the same laptop - where it tried to register it FOUR TIMES, and has blocked me from viewing any channel on there until at least the 1st of April - that's quite frustrating, to say the least.

Could anyone offer any insight as to why this has happened? I've not done anything "untoward" as such over the last few days apart from general browsing on this laptop, and since the replacement of the Hub4 happened a few days ago, I've never experienced anything like this.




Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey Kornukopian, thanks for the posts and updates on the thread.

Sorry to see you are having issues watching NBA via the browser and the mobile app via the VM network, please allow us to advise you wouldn't be able to stream the programme without an NBA Pass.

Are you currently on a subscription with them and still having issues accessing the content?

Also, this may work on a 5G mobile network however on a home broadband outside the US this is not the case.

Meaning you could potentially steam over mobile data but not the Wi Fi.

Let us know if this is of help, glad to advise more.

Forum Team

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I am currently on £14.99 monthly subscription with them, therefore I have the NBA League Pass active.

You're actually incorrect in respect of the point where you mention that I'm not able to access the content, as I have stated that I have been able to before via the VM home broadband network. Information in respect of countries where it wouldn't be available is listed on the following, as per their own help guides: Global NBA League Pass Availability – NBA Help Center

I've already mentioned in this thread that I know that access to the NBA app, and also the NBA website via mobile hotspot (on O2 5G) has been fine.

There has to be something in respect of routing via your own network in order to access this. Previously, I have been able to access non-NBA Pass content (like highlights, specific features in their news section etc) without issue - and, in addition to this, it has been made available on a global scale. The "pay-walled" content, like live games and historical game replays, are purchasable on the monthly or seasonal NBA League Pass. The main reasons as to why I've gone for the subscription there is that I've followed the NBA for over 30 years, and as such have avid interest. Additionally, I know that selected games are available on the Sky Sports channels over the last couple of seasons, but because I prefer the US coverage (and classic games too) - it's worth the price paid for me.

Plus, if I wasn't able to access the information over the mobile data (which, also, has a UK IP address - would create a similar issue to being connected to a home broadband) then surely there would be the same issue, no?

I've also done a tracert check on both connections, where the routing is completely different until you get to a certain point. 

1 203 ms 12 ms 12 ms (obviously Hub4; my own VM IP masked due to this)
2 24 ms 20 ms 13 ms
3 19 ms 15 ms 20 ms []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 37 ms 34 ms 24 ms []
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 30 ms 38 ms 28 ms []
8 114 ms 111 ms 114 ms []
9 113 ms 120 ms 113 ms []
10 130 ms 129 ms * []
11 138 ms 135 ms 135 ms []
12 144 ms 151 ms 150 ms []
13 155 ms 158 ms 158 ms []
14 * 174 ms 160 ms []
15 162 ms 160 ms 164 ms []
16 161 ms 159 ms 162 ms []
17 * 182 ms 177 ms
18 166 ms 171 ms 168 ms
19 170 ms 164 ms 165 ms
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 185 ms 196 ms 200 ms
28 187 ms 191 ms 189 ms
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 190 ms 181 ms 186 ms
31 189 ms 189 ms 196 ms
* over a 50-hop tracert, remaining hops time out
1 47 ms 4 ms 2 ms (again, gateway masks O2 UK IP)
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 42 ms 33 ms 39 ms
10 118 ms 110 ms 25 ms
11 139 ms 101 ms 98 ms
12 183 ms 149 ms 153 ms
13 206 ms 221 ms 189 ms
14 184 ms 337 ms 217 ms
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 269 ms 319 ms 341 ms
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 224 ms 218 ms 218 ms
* over a 50-hop tracert, remaining hops time out

As you can see above, the routing for both connections to is quite different until it gets to the 108.166.*.* subnets, meaning that somewhere along the line, something isn't right with the VM routing, otherwise it would allow the access without issues. Failing that, there is something that would appear to be "blocking" the attempt to view on VM's side, and considering that the NBA is a league which is globally branded, there shouldn't be any restriction to access unless there is explicit reason to do so.

I'm also going to mention that over the last few months or so, I'm growing quite uneasy with my connection speed and reliability, too. I've had issues recently in respect of the Hub4 and local connection - I pay currently for the 1Gb connection with Volt benefits, yet over the course of the last month or so, I've only seen speeds of 350mb on two checks via Speedtest. All the other checks have come back and reported LESS than 90mb, which is under 10% of the speeds you have stated that I should be expecting (regardless of WiFi/Ethernet connectivity). I do understand that certain factors can come into play (ie where the Hub4 is located in the house, number of walls, WiFi pods [where I have one currently], connection type, whatever could be near Hub4/connections etc) so I'm clued up in that particular aspect. I've noticed as well that there's been a number of droppages with the connection (even following a replacement Hub4) and it's proving to be somewhat annoying.

I think you really need to have a secondary look in respect of this issue, because as aforementioned - I may not be the only one that is experiencing such issues, and in turn, you're potentially costing customers more money than it would be worth with these issues being raised to you. The details have been provided, the diagnostics have been conducted in a number of fashions, and yet VM still appears to be unmoving in their assistance. 

I ask you once again that this is looked at with a very fine-toothed comb overall, as this is an issue that isn't brought up nearly enough. In turn, I think it will also provide a lot more ease to some customers with similar issues, providing not just better access, but a better service overall.

@Adri_G wrote:

Hey Kornukopian, thanks for the posts and updates on the thread.

Sorry to see you are having issues watching NBA via the browser and the mobile app via the VM network, please allow us to advise you wouldn't be able to stream the programme without an NBA Pass.

Are you currently on a subscription with them and still having issues accessing the content?

Also, this may work on a 5G mobile network however on a home broadband outside the US this is not the case.

Meaning you could potentially steam over mobile data but not the Wi Fi.

Let us know if this is of help, glad to advise more.

I have to admit that I've just tried to post quite an extensive reply to this response. Yet, I think the post in question has just been deleted.

I'm really unhappy about this as it's detailed quite a lot on the routing etc, and I feel it's quite vital to my situation in hand.

@Adri_G wrote:

Hey Kornukopian, thanks for the posts and updates on the thread.

Sorry to see you are having issues watching NBA via the browser and the mobile app via the VM network, please allow us to advise you wouldn't be able to stream the programme without an NBA Pass.

Are you currently on a subscription with them and still having issues accessing the content?

Also, this may work on a 5G mobile network however on a home broadband outside the US this is not the case.

Meaning you could potentially steam over mobile data but not the Wi Fi.

Let us know if this is of help, glad to advise more.

I'll try again to respond to this with the information I have on hand.

First and foremost - in respect to ANY video on the site: I'm unable to view these regardless if I had the NBA League Pass subscription or not. Some of the normal videos you would be able to view would be highlights and certain features via their main news etc. The League Pass allows you to view extra content, such as live matches, historic NBA Finals matches, exclusive series and documentaries created by them.

For the record, I do currently have a subscription with them (£14.99/mth) and is listed as available in this country. (FWIW, it's also been advertised on Sky Sports channels, as there are selected NBA games being shown, including some of the season's ending Playoff games). Countries where the pass *cannot* be accessed are listed here: Global NBA League Pass Availability – NBA Help Center

I've also done some tracert routing for both the VM BB and the O2 5G hotspot connections, and found that until it gets to a certain subnet - 108.166.*.*-- the routing paths that the two connections take are totally different. Where as the O2 connection appears to be fine and non-problematic, the VM BB is totally on the contrary. Therefore, it leads me to believe that there are routing issues in respect of connecting to the NBA website, where I hadn't had any kind of problem initially in viewing their content prior to me raising this with yourselves, and also the NBA League Pass Support folks at their end. If you require, I can provide my tracert logs to support this.

Another point to note for the above is that both the VM and O2 connection have UK IP addresses. If it was the case that both connection types would be UK-based, and there were restrictions in place, surely both would have the same issue as opposed to just one? After doing some research via numerous technical forums, I have not seen any other provider have this kind of issue, except VM (and I've gone through several places to look into this). I'm also quite clued up in respect of connectivity problems (ie location of hub, wi-fi pods, number of users, routing connectivity, cabling, etc) and have worked previously in technical aspects where I've dealt with connectivity issues. I do try and check everything where possible, and where I'm not able to look further, I have to ask somebody outside of my knowledge for further guidance - in this instance, it's either here, or somebody with greater tact or expertise.

Additionally, I'm having numerous issues in respect of stability and connection speed. I recently had a Hub4 replacement to try and combat a number of issues that we had in the house regarding connection stability - also, the first Hub4 we had stopped providing any kind of connection, so we had an engineer to come out and change it over. Over the last month or so, we've had issues in regards to random drop outs for any kind of link (whether WiFi or ethernet), plus after checking through Speedtest, we very rarely see any kind of speed above 95mb/s (I pay for the 1.1gb/s with Volt included). There's been two occasions where I've seen around ~350mb/s, but that's about it.

I've checked over BQL logs via thinkbroadband, and there's a number of times where this drops out frequently between 12-6am, and can otherwise randomly drop when it feels like it. Granted, there are a number of users in the house, and also my wife is WFH, but that shouldn't still keep our household under 10% of our expected downloading speeds (which, you mention via Broadband Speeds | Compare our Internet Speeds | Virgin Media). As we're under the 50% "guaranteed speeds", as your company put it - and have regularly been - we are considering our position in respect of having your services.


It would now appear that the issue with Sky Sports video viewing has also returned once again. The baffling thing is that I can't view any videos that are on their news stories on, yet (who runs the same company!) allows me to view content on there normally?

Additionally, I can go onto the Sky Sports TV as well (as I have the desktop app available with having Sky Sports as part of my package) and can view the channels no problem... I mean, what gives here?


Additionally, I did another traceroute this morning to see if there was any difference in routing... turns out that there was, until we once again get to the 108.166.*.* subnets...

Tracert over 50 hops:
1 17 ms 4 ms 5 ms
2 19 ms 18 ms 16 ms
3 19 ms 18 ms 19 ms []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 31 ms 26 ms 25 ms []
7 31 ms 40 ms 23 ms []
8 39 ms 28 ms 25 ms []
9 114 ms 119 ms 118 ms []
10 * 173 ms 173 ms []
11 171 ms 173 ms 180 ms []
12 170 ms 173 ms 170 ms []
13 * 173 ms 172 ms
14 171 ms 173 ms 169 ms
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 182 ms 203 ms 178 ms
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
31 * * * Request timed out.
32 185 ms 181 ms 178 ms
33 179 ms 183 ms 178 ms
34 * * * Request timed out.
35 179 ms 179 ms 177 ms
36 182 ms 187 ms 180 ms
* Remaining hops time out, as they did previously.

Sky tracert:
1 35 ms 6 ms 5 ms
2 21 ms 18 ms 11 ms
3 21 ms 23 ms 16 ms []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 29 ms 19 ms 24 ms []
6 27 ms 21 ms 24 ms []
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 36 ms 35 ms 33 ms []
* Remaining hops time out completely.

I honestly don't understand this, how it can be fine one moment, then goes kaput - I do all the things as advised (cache clear, router reset, check connection and router modes, DNS flushes, router replacement, restart and check all software, confirm that a VPN is not active, either) and then watch the situation fix itself and allow me to watch for a period - then goes back to how it was and doesn't work as intended?

Surely there IS a routing issue, and that your techies aren't wanting to look into it properly?

Really sorry to hear this is ongoing for you @Kornukopian 

I have double checked the systems at our side and cannot see any issues that might be causing your slow speed concerns. Is the slow speeds and connection issues on just your WiFi devices or on your wired devices also?

It might be worth checking to see if there is an issue with the IP on this particular site and so you are being blacklisted or restricted at all. There are a few different website that you can check. If your IP comes up as blacklisted you can request that your IP be whitelisted to allow full access to the site affected. 

Here to help 🙂
Virgin Media Forums Agent

Hi Carley;

It's on both connection types, as aforementioned in previous posts. 

I checked an IP blacklist checker via, and it states that there are zero blacklists against my IP address from what I can see.

Thanks for the reply @Kornukopian on the forums.

May I ask what website it is you are trying to access?
Is it any and all websites that don't allow access?

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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Hi Ilyas;

I feel that I'm really not getting anywhere with the problems that I'm raising to VM here. All the information has been stated to yourselves, yet there's still issues.

I'm trying to access content on (global version, not the Sky Sports version) and also on - these appear to be the only sites that I'm currently having issue with. Everything else that I access appears to have no issues with any aspects of the sites, apart from the two in particular.

When I try to access any kind of video content on either or, they state that I'm in a country that is not able to access that content. However, I'm based near to Sheffield in the UK (which, my IP address verifies). Prior to having an issue with my internet connectivity (which, required a Hub4 replacement due to it breaking down), these issues were not prevalent.

I have also been in contact with the NBA League Pass team - to which I have a monthly subscription to - and they assure me that the UK *is* a region which can access their content. Also, if I wasn't, then I cannot understand why their League Pass is advertised not only on a global scale, but additionally so on UK television (and, at least on the sports channels that I'm also subscribed to with VM).

Can somebody truly have a look at this, because I'm really exhausting all options that are open to me - as well as my speed issues which are still well below what I'm paying for?!

Hi Kornukopian,

Have you checked that the device you're watching this on is compatible? 

You can check there here
