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Moved house - at my wit's end. A plea for help

Tuning in


I moved house in June, to a house with no Virgin service but surrounded by properties with service. I posted on here in May, and it was suggested that I would need to arrange for a spotter to come out and check the location.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I was in contact with someone helpful in Virgin, who agreed to help me with the move process, and arranged for the site survey to be done. I explained that my new property actually has a Virgin cable on it - my driveway (which I own) is shared with a neighbour. That driveway has the Virgin cable feeding his property on it, so it should be a simple matter of using that to serve my property also - surely? The person I was speaking with agreed, and said he would expedite the installation.

Move on to late July and I get a call from someone new at Virgin saying that it is uneconomical to supply me, as they will need to install a new street box and do lots of civil work. I explain (again) that there is already have a Virgin cable on my property, and this person who called agreed that they must have made an error and agreed to send out for another survey. Nothing more was heard.

And now here we are in September. My original helpful contact is no longer answering his phone or responding to emails (my guess is that he has moved on professionally). I have called the moving helpline, but the operator could see none of the history outlined above, and could only suggest that he arrange for a spotter.

Please can someone suggest how I can break through the bureaucracy and get a Virgin service? It is intensely frustrating, given that a live cable is on my property right now! 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

A VM person will respond in a day or so and get more info.  But just because there is a a cable close to the property doesn't necessarily mean it can now be connected to their network.  For example if your street cabinet is already operating at maximum capacity then no new connections can be accepted.  Or it may not have been possible to connect your property originally for some "construction" reason 

So just wait and see what they say on here.


I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & BT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi) Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi, PianSom.
Thanks for joining our help forums and for your first post here, welcome to the VM community!

We're sorry to hear of the experience you've had trying to get a connection to the new home you've moved in to, this would be a matter of whether we can use the already installed connection points (street cabinet/cable outputs etc) to provide the service to your flat/house.

As you've advised we have already sent a spotter, completed the site survey, assessed this matter and concluded that this is not possible due to high costs for running cables to your property we'd be unable to change this decision.

This would probably mean the cables running through your property now are providing a single connection to your neighbour's house and sharing the service between 2 accounts is not applicable or efficient and would affect the quality of the services received.

We're happy to assist should you wish us to raise a new request for a spotter and site survey however the outcome may very likely be still the same, which would lead to your further dissatisfaction.
This is not the experience we'd want for you, please visit here for more info on this process and you may as well use our live chat button or call numbers there to speak to our dedicated team if you want to discuss your options further.

We'll be eager to assist more from there should you need us to, let us know if this helps and if you need more advice or support from us.

You may also keep checking our post code checker here periodically to view if your post code becomes available for our services in the future, as we expand our network.

Best regards,

Forum Team

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