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Hub light is red

Joining in

All of a sudden my hub light turned red and router seems to be very warm. I tried resetting it and restarted in.many times but the light is red; earlier it used to be green.

Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks.


Joining in

And to add, internet seems to be very unstable with frequent drops.

Hub 3 is it? If so then red light is a sign of it overheating, or being too hot to function properly. Now, assuming that you haven't moved it and it has been working perfectly well all this time, then the likelihood is that the sensor has failed and it 'thinks' it is overheating. As the components in the hub will be of the same age, then it is not unlikely that something else is starting to fail as well, hence the instability of your connection.

As regard feeling a bit warm, all electronic devices, heat up, simply a consequence of physics, but most people don't touch their hub every day to judge how warm it is. It may well be that the hub is no hotter than it has always been, you simply wouldn't have noticed.

Now I say all of this, so as to hopefully, reassure you that the hub is very, very unlikely to burn your house down in the night - however, when a member of the forum team (VM employees) get to this thread, they will ask you to switch the hub off wait a little while and turn it back on. They will also ask you to factory reset the hub. And these are all perfectly valid operations to be sure that it isn't a firmware glitch which has caused the LED to turn red. Having domes these, and no improvement, then the hub will definitely need to be replaced, not necessarily because it is dangerous, but if left alone and at some point in the future it were to overheat, how would you know?

Hi shrawanb, 

Thanks for taking the time to contact us via the Community. It's lovely having you on board with us in the Forums.

We're very sorry to hear you're having some issues with your Hub 3 displaying a red light. Just to double check, is the Hub currently in modem mode? If so then the light will be a magenta colour but can look quite red at times. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. 

If it's not then please follow the below steps: 

  • ➡ Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub.
  • ➡ Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location, and, if at all possible, out of direct sunlight.
  • ➡ Then use the power switch to turn the unit back on. The Hub should now operate normally.

If the red light still shows after doing the above, pop back here and let us know. We can then arrange an engineer to visit to swap out the Hub.


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I did the below steps multiple times but it does not fix the issue.

➡ Turn the power switch off on the back of the Hub.

➡ Ensure the Hub is upright, in a well-ventilated location, and, if at all possible, out of direct sunlight.

➡ Then use the power switch to turn the unit back on. The Hub should now operate normally

Any help is much appreciated. My internet connection is dropping erratically causing lot of inconvenience.

Thank you for keeping us updated on this. 

I have taken a look on our side with regards to this and it looks as though you have been able to speak with the team. 

Please do let us know if you need any further assistance. 
