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How do you make a director level complaint?

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As the title suggests… after investing many hours of trying to progress a basic problem I have lost total faith in the ability of Virgin Media agents to achieve even basic tasks. Not their fault, the standard processes of this organisation are completely shambolic and not fit for purpose.

I have tried to escalate complaints via telephone: one agent refused, a second agreed. Though the manager refused to call me back and sent an agent to contact me instead. This was going well until they disappeared off the face of the planet. I raised a complaint via the website, but I’ve received no response other than the auto acknowledgment.

Do directors of this organisation care about the absolute embarrassment that is happening on their watch? Do we have a contact route so I can share my experience and timeline of events? Do processes exist (ha!) that mean agents can act with elevated authority on behalf of said director to actually make sure things get done? Because I honestly have no idea what to do with unquestionably the most incompetent organisation I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with. Honestly, all I want is for one person to take ownership of this utter mess. Is that too much to ask for?

(Fun fact: my two worst ever service experiences are both with Virgin Media! The first being in 2015. I thought they’d have improved in the last 8 years… more fool me!)


Accepted Solutions

Alessandro Volta

what you have is what the management have instituted and signed off - its taken them years to get VM to the bottom of the barrel and they seem perfectly happy with that fact

its cheap to run the CS from the a r s e end of the world - they dont train them just let them loose with a crib sheet 

so can you contact anyone higher than the agents that they know lie - cut you off and generally dont care - NO - there is no way a customer can get to anybody meaningful

there is the CEO's office - you need to find the email online as even though it exists it cannot be posted here - that shows how much they really want to help

but dont expect anything much better than what you have had - the title is grand - its just another call centre - its still in the UK afaik so thats a plus but not much of one

you can post your problem here - staff will pick it up they will go through the motions and apologise [they are good at that] but cannot do much more


Sacked VIP

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Alessandro Volta

what you have is what the management have instituted and signed off - its taken them years to get VM to the bottom of the barrel and they seem perfectly happy with that fact

its cheap to run the CS from the a r s e end of the world - they dont train them just let them loose with a crib sheet 

so can you contact anyone higher than the agents that they know lie - cut you off and generally dont care - NO - there is no way a customer can get to anybody meaningful

there is the CEO's office - you need to find the email online as even though it exists it cannot be posted here - that shows how much they really want to help

but dont expect anything much better than what you have had - the title is grand - its just another call centre - its still in the UK afaik so thats a plus but not much of one

you can post your problem here - staff will pick it up they will go through the motions and apologise [they are good at that] but cannot do much more


Sacked VIP

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @tracingsackful,

Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm so sorry to hear that you've not had a great experience with us recently and that you're now wishing to raise and escalate a complaint. Would you mine expanding a little further on what the complaint is in relation to and what you're looking to get some help with? I'll then be able to confirm the best course of action to help reach a resolution to your concerns ASAP.


Zach - Forum Team
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I kind of don’t really want to go into it here. All I really want to know is how I can make a director level complaint, and have someone assigned to it who can own it through to resolution even if they need to liaise with other teams internally. I’m done with trying it any other way. 

As a broad category as to where I’m at, I’m a new customer who is still awaiting pre-pull & installation after a catalogue of errors. My installation has been pushed back again and, because I work from home, I’m incurring a £25 cost every week to obtain data from my mobile phone provider. This just scratches the surface as to the cacophony of problems I’ve had with you already. 

no one will own that - search for similar threads to get more info


Sacked VIP

Hi @tracingsackful,

Thanks for expanding. You can refer to our complaints process here, but essentially a complaint would only be escalated if we're unable to reach an amicable resolution. 

I can see you've mentioned the complaint is in relation to delays with an installation. Unfortunately there can be a number of reasons why an installation may be delayed but this wouldn't be done unless it was necessary. When's it currently scheduled to proceed, or has the installation been cancelled now?


Zach - Forum Team
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Alessandro Volta

Share your experience with OFCOM who opened an investigation into VM this week

email address and case ref. no at the bottom of the page or via the contact form with same info

The investigation is specifically into VM's complaints processes (and also how cancellations are handled).

Alessandro Volta

as vm say there can be all sorts of reasons an install is delayed - some genuine but many/most are due to incompetence from either VM or the [cheap] contractors they use - if anything is out of the ordinary then you are on your own - no one in VM will be able to do anything if its with the contractors as they dont talk to each other

yu will get chapter and verse about ring this or that - you will get questions as above what is happening - hell you would think there were/are records that staff here can look at but thats not how VM work - think mushrooms syndrome - the left hand does not even know the right hand exists let alone what its doing

you will get excuses about whatever - council permissions is a favourite - not 6 weeks as VM will have you to believe - 48 hours at most - there will be lies and misinformation

the longest delay thats known is 18 months so over to you - do you really need VM

BUT if you decide to see sense and call it a draw dont cancel - let them wander about until your name comes to the top and they install you - cancel within 14 days at no cost and claim £6 ish a day compensation


Sacked VIP

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @tracingsackful 

May I ask if you were able to find a way to make the complaint or still need assistance?
Let us know.

Kind regards,

Forum Team

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Alessandro Volta

Making a complaint to a Director is all very well, if the Director is willing to help you. With many companies this may be the case.  But VM is not like that. The UK management and their US owners have set up the company to work the way they want. Their policy is to run it at maximum profit and minimum cost. Minimum cost means using cheap subcontractors and an impervious 'support' structure that makes it impossible for customers to bother them with complaints. 

The management know very well how their company is regarded. They can look at Trustpilot and see that Virginmedia is rated at no.72 in a list of 72 telecoms companies. This is the way they have chosen - if you have a problem we'd rather you went away instead of having us pay to fix it.

At long, long last, the regulator OFCOM has started an investigation into the way this company treats its customers. We'll have to see if they can make it change. 

- jpeg1
My name is NOT Alessandro. That's just a tag Virginmedia sticks on some contributors. Please ignore it.