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Entire Postcode can get VM, including my downstairs neighbour, my address says unavailable.

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I've moved into a new home and would like a VM connection, but when doing the online check, it's noted that it's unavailable on my semi-detached building. The sales team on the phone just say it's unavailable. However, checking every other home on the street it does show as available. My neighbour directly beneath me in the same building has VM (it's only our two addresses in the building A&B), it should be a quick connection. 


Problem sorter

Hi @Sasqu4ch 

Thank you for reaching out to us here, to the community.

There could be a number of reasons why one property could receive service and not another. It’s very difficult to say without understanding a little more detail but I suspect your property has been split into 2 at some point ? I would like to see what I can do to help. In order to do so I will need a little bit more information so I will send you a private message.

Once we have a better understanding we may be able to escalate this to one of our team to resolve for you because we would love to have you as a customer.


Thank you


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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

VM have listed the addresses that are directly connectable to their services. ie. The service duct is at the property boundary. You sound like you are in an upstairs flat or apartment, so you do not have a boundary that VM runs past. As a result, VM will likely require a wayleave permit to cross your downstairs neighbours property & affix a drop box to their front wall for your service.

VM 350BB 2xV6 & Landline. Freeview/Freesat HD, ASDA/Tesco PAYG Mobile. Cable customer since 1993

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Chances are if this is a house that is now two flats, that each flat is a leasehold but the owners of the flat each own 50% of the building freehold, so basically can approve their own wayleave if needed.