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Wifi pod order

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I feel like I am going around in circles to get Wi-Fi pods. The app won't give me the option to order one, despite the scans showing low speeds in multiple zones and totally unable to connect to wi-fi in some rooms.

It's impossible to get through to anyone on the phone. I am desperately searching for someone for Virgin Media to assist me with this as I've only been a customer for a couple of days and everything seems such a struggle to complete. I know I need more than one as outgoing BT contract had 3 extra discs needed. 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The official way is the Connect app.  However as this is clearly not working, just wait here a day or two for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss with you directly.  

BTW, if BT do not want the discs back, I believe you can use these as Access Points (Pods) with the VM Hubs?

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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