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Months ago, I contacted Virgin Media to state that the WiFi coverage in my home was unsatisfactory, and to request WiFi pods. I get full WiFi coverage in about half the house, patchy coverage in a couple of rooms and no coverage whatsoever in 3 rooms, including 2 of my children’s bedrooms. She wanted me to do signal strength tests via the app, and it took a ridiculous amount of explanation to convey that I couldn’t, because there is literally zero coverage in those rooms. She did some other kind of test and I was assured a WiFi pod would be sent. I didn’t receive this. I contacted virgin media again, this time via WhatsApp as when I tried to call the helpline it stated I had an overdue balance (which was not the case) and wouldn’t let me get past options to pay. I had also upgraded my package online and this was not showing on my account. I waited from 5pm that day until 8am the next day for a reply. The lady who eventually replied confirmed that she had processed my order to upgrade my package, confirmed there was no overdue balance on my account and suggested I wait for the new hub to see whether WiFi pods were still required. The new hub arrived and WiFi coverage within the house remains the same. I contacted virgin media again via WhatsApp as the phone line still stated I had an overdue balance (still not the case) and wouldn’t let me speak to anyone. I waited I think 25 hours for a response. After much faffing about, again explaining I couldn’t do the speed tests due to zero WiFi, I was told a WiFi pod would be delivered within 5 working days. I received an email stating my virgin media kit would be delivered today. I took the day off work as the rubbish courier company insist on handing things to a person, and my neighbours all work during the day. When the delivery arrived and I opened it, it was another WiFi hub which is of absolutely no use to me. I still haven’t received the WiFi pod and have lost a day’s pay. My children will still have to use mobile data in their bedrooms to even just watch TV. This is completely unacceptable, especially given the amount I’m paying. I did attempt to reduce my package to broadband only, as I expected this to be cheaper, and was told this would not be the case and it was cheaper for me to have TV (we NEVER use this) and landline phone (I’ve never even had a phone plugged into the socket). I have attempted to raise a complaint via the web form but this does not appear to have been successfully submitted. I can’t say I’m surprised, given the shocking customer service I’ve experienced. Can someone please advise on the best way to actually get someone to understand what I’m saying and deal with this?


Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Unfortunately this forum is awash with Pod issues at the moment.  The "official" way to get Pods is the app, and it seems not to work in all cases.  The Pods are free to Top Tier and VOLT customers, and £8 pm to all others.

You may be best to wait here a couple of days for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss.

The "multipack" offers have always been the case with VM, it's just the way they work at this time.  I'm sure there are lots of users with unused phone lines and TV boxes.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Unfortunately this forum is awash with Pod issues at the moment.  The "official" way to get Pods is the app, and it seems not to work in all cases.  The Pods are free to Top Tier and VOLT customers, and £8 pm to all others.

You may be best to wait here a couple of days for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss.

The "multipack" offers have always been the case with VM, it's just the way they work at this time.  I'm sure there are lots of users with unused phone lines and TV boxes.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi there @Sal243 

Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

I am so sorry that you have had this experience with our teams and I fully understand your frustrations. I'd be more than happy to look into this with you via a Private Message and see what we can arrange. 

I will pop you a PM across now, please keep an eye out for the envelope at the top of your screen alerting you to a new message.