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WiFi non existent or very slow

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We have been battling with extremely poor WiFi for months now. When I came up for renewal I wanted to leave as it's been poor for years. I was offered an upgrade to M500 for the same price and was advised that the speed was the issue causing poor wifi. I agreed and they upgraded our speed and yes, for about 5-6 weeks we seemed to have much better WiFi. I could actually stream on the TV in the bedroom for the first time ever. The speeds then dropped off to the point that even the new smart TV (Samsung) in the front room (room next to where the modem is) was constantly stuttering, dropping out and stopping intermittently. I had a call out from an engineer who advised that our Hub 3 (that we have had it done it was newly released in 2016 but it feels like longer) was not the problem. He advised I download the virgin connect app and keep track of the WiFi speeds. Our bedroom now gets practically no WiFi on TV, tablet or mobiles and constantly drops out when we do have it, even at 6 in the morning  when there is no one else is online doing anything. Speed never gets abve 9mps upload speed and is generally 0-3mps. Our front room goes from 0 to 15mps. We are certainly not getting the minimum 30mps speed guaranteed by Virgin. I understand from the engineer that we would be able to get the WiFi pods for free due to the astonishingly poor WiFi. We are paying £55 per month and I really don't know what we are paying for. I can find no email and trying to get through on the phone is a joke. Can anyone help me make a formal complaint about the speeds and service. I have a log on the app of the speeds we are getting so can prove it's not just random but constant. I object to paying £8 per month for a pod to get the speeds that they say are guaranteed and we should be getting (and did for a short period,so how does that then change and practically disappear).

Any help much appreciated 


Community elder

@Floobygroo wrote:

We have been battling with extremely poor WiFi for months now. When I came up for renewal I wanted to leave as it's been poor for years. I was offered an upgrade to M500 for the same price and was advised that the speed was the issue causing poor wifi. I agreed and they upgraded our speed and yes, for about 5-6 weeks we seemed to have much better WiFi. I could actually stream on the TV in the bedroom for the first time ever. The speeds then dropped off to the point that even the new smart TV (Samsung) in the front room (room next to where the modem is) was constantly stuttering, dropping out and stopping intermittently. I had a call out from an engineer who advised that our Hub 3 (that we have had it done it was newly released in 2016 but it feels like longer) was not the problem. He advised I download the virgin connect app and keep track of the WiFi speeds. Our bedroom now gets practically no WiFi on TV, tablet or mobiles and constantly drops out when we do have it, even at 6 in the morning  when there is no one else is online doing anything. Speed never gets abve 9mps upload speed and is generally 0-3mps. Our front room goes from 0 to 15mps. We are certainly not getting the minimum 30mps speed guaranteed by Virgin. I understand from the engineer that we would be able to get the WiFi pods for free due to the astonishingly poor WiFi. We are paying £55 per month and I really don't know what we are paying for. I can find no email and trying to get through on the phone is a joke. Can anyone help me make a formal complaint about the speeds and service. I have a log on the app of the speeds we are getting so can prove it's not just random but constant. I object to paying £8 per month for a pod to get the speeds that they say are guaranteed and we should be getting (and did for a short period,so how does that then change and practically disappear).

Any help much appreciated 

The first thing we need to establish is if you are getting consisent speeds over the VM network to your HUB:

Create a BQM and post the live link (You public IP address should be removed automatically)

Alessandro Volta

have we a Jackanory ?

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hello Floobygroo.

Thank you very much for joining our Community.
Can I just apologise for 
We can run a few tests from here and check on your equipment.
The downstream levels on your Hub are just out of range, So I will need to send you a private message to gain account access and run further tests.

More than likely we will need another service tech booked in for you.
If you can check the envelope top right of your screen that would be great. 