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WiFi Pods, can I plug into powerstrip?

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Not always getting a great signal around the home, especially if someone is watching iPlayer or similar. We are on 350. It really drops.

We have limited options for plugging in the second WiFi Pod and today I have decided to move it. Is a power strip ok?

Also connected to the Superhub is a non virgin power line extender. The WiFi on this has been turned off and I am using the power line only to go downstairs to the TV and V6 box (in the same room as the currently bad signal) will the power line have any negative effects? It is useful for a stable connection to the TV and V6 box and great as it has 2 ethernet connections.



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You can set the non VM powerline wifi to be the same as the VM Hub, with the same passwords. This will allow the two to work together. If they are dissimilar, the WiFi will clash. As for the power strip and Pod, give it a go and see. No harm done. 

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Hi ajo,

Thanks for posting 🙂 

How have things been since you posted? Have you tried what Adduxi has suggested?
