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Web safe won’t turn on

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I have seen this a few times on here but web safe won’t turn back on… I need help to ressolve this 


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

There are a lot of posts regarding Websafe.  If you need to control your own IT kit, best to get your own Router.

If it is just one device, you can set the DNS manually and use Cisco's Family OpenDNS servers.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @DeeJay3 👋 Thank you for your post and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

We're sorry to hear about the problem you're having 😔

Have you managed to resolve this since posting? 

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your support @Adduxi 👍



The above response from a VM Team member is quite disingenuous.

The ability to manage the Websafe settings has been broken in the VM online account and in the VM Connect app for many months.

Yet this is not admitted to the customer. But worse that no offer is made to amend the setting on the customer's behalf goes to suggest the functionality is broken even for the VM Team.

Hey Client62, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry you feel this way.

We was aware of an issue however this has now been fixed but we are still finding the odd person can't change this, if this is the case now we would take them to PM to raise an IT ticket.

After IT have looked into this they will fix it and the customer can change the settings if you are having this issue I would be happy to raise an IT ticket for you. Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

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