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Virgin media broadband and TV outage in Roehampton Area 21.

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Entirely frustrated by the poor service and no compensation. They say compensation after 2-days of continuous outage which is absolutely ridiculous. So we get just under 2 days outage at a time with no recourse.

Virgin media need to be held to account.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Depending on the duration and nature of your outage, you may have a case for loss-of-service credits.

But you're correct to state that the automatic compensation scheme has a 2working day grace period for any loss of broadband or landline telephony. 

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10-hours on and still no broadband, TV or phone line. Shame on Virgin Media.


The only calls I get from Virgin Media are from sales trying to make me upgrade even though I am on their most comprehensive package which I signed a contract for 2-months ago.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

So it's a current loss of service, you didn't mention that.

Check the automated status line for recognised issues on 0800 5610061. If nothing's listed there, make sure you've reported your outage as it may only be you affected - or others affected may assume someone else is reporting.

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Yes an “outage” or “loss of service” the same thing so not sure what is that you think I haven’t mentioned?

 I have reported it and it their automated system (because you can’t get through to au human being) states that they are working on it.

like I said thins happens every other week. Absolute joke of a network! 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@ssr666 wrote:

Yes an “outage” or “loss of service” the same thing so not sure what is that you think I haven’t mentioned?

The difference being, that if a loss-of-service is still live, no provider can quantify the extent of it.

It's pretty standard practice that, whether rebates are via loss-of-service credits or an automated scheme, the amount due can only be decided after the event.

@ssr666 wrote:

like I said thins happens every other week. Absolute joke of a network! 

Your first time posting on this forum was today, so users on here can only comment on that basis.

VM-CS should have records of previous incidents if you reported those.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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I think you are missing the point - it’s not about the compensation per se, but rather about the incentive for Virgin Media to get things fixed immediately or else face compensation payouts. The two day grace they have under the regulator does not work. The disruption is by the way still ongoing with no fix 

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

I've got a lot of experience in telecoms fault management, and can guarantee you no operator - fixed or mobile - intentionally delays any fix.

Resolution times will always depend on the nature of the fault, it's also "sods law" that awkward faults often occur at weekends when your available resource might well be lower than during the working week.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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