on 25-10-2023 20:49
Hi, I hope someone can help me.
I have the Virgin Connect APP installed on my phone, and my phone is connected to my Virgin WiFi, but it won't recognise/connect to the HUB 5.
To accommodate some new Smart Light bulbs I have turned off the 'Channel Optimistion' in the HUB settings so as to set up two discrete 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi channels. I renamed these Channels VirginWiFi2 and VirginWiFi5.
I can connect compatible devices e.g. Mobile, Laptops, Printer etc to either channel, but the VM Connect APP can no longer 'find' the HUB.
I have reset and rebooted the HUB, cleared the Cache, uninstalled and reinstalled the VM Connect APP on my phone, but no luck.
The main reason I am using the APP is to reset the WiFi Pods which are no longer working and blinking blue.
I may be missing soemthing in the HUB settings and wondered if anyone had come across a similar issue and had a solution. Alternatively I wonder if the VM Connect APP is not compatible unless the 'Channel Optimisation' is enabled??
Any help or advice much appreciated 🙂
on 26-10-2023 08:01
VM Pods are quite restrictive, they expect Channel Optimization to be Enabled, and SSID + Password to be Shared on both bands.
A retail Wireless Range Extender like a RE450 / AC1750 would enable split SSID to be used and repeated, it has settings to configure the SSIDs / Passwords as split or shared.
Try the VM Connect app with your mobile connected to 2.4GHz and then to 5GHz - perhaps one band may work better than the other, but expect little progress with the VM Pods in the current configuration.
on 27-10-2023 22:46
Do you mean reset it restart the hub? The app doesn't see the hub with channel Optimisation off.
on 28-10-2023 09:48
The VM Connect app is not required. ( we don't have it installed )
Manage the Hub via its menu at :