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VM Connect APP not recognising Hub 5

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Hi, I hope someone can help me.

I have the Virgin Connect APP installed on my phone, and my phone is connected to my Virgin WiFi, but it won't recognise/connect to the HUB 5.

To accommodate some new Smart Light bulbs I have turned off the 'Channel Optimistion' in the HUB settings so as to set up two discrete 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi channels. I renamed these Channels VirginWiFi2 and VirginWiFi5.

I can connect compatible devices e.g. Mobile, Laptops, Printer etc to either channel, but the VM Connect APP can no longer 'find' the HUB.

I have reset and rebooted the HUB, cleared the Cache, uninstalled and reinstalled the VM Connect APP on my phone, but no luck.

The main reason I am using the APP is to reset the WiFi Pods which are no longer working and blinking blue.

I may be missing soemthing in the HUB settings and wondered if anyone had come across a similar issue and had a solution. Alternatively I wonder if the VM Connect APP is not compatible unless the 'Channel Optimisation' is enabled??

Any help or advice much appreciated 🙂





Alessandro Volta

VM Pods are quite restrictive, they expect Channel Optimization to be Enabled, and SSID + Password to be Shared on both bands.

A retail Wireless Range Extender like a RE450 / AC1750 would enable split SSID to be used and repeated, it has settings to configure the SSIDs / Passwords as split or shared.

Try the VM Connect app with your mobile connected to 2.4GHz and then to 5GHz  - perhaps one band may work better than the other, but expect little progress with the VM Pods in the current configuration.

Tuning in

Do you mean reset it restart the hub? The app doesn't see the hub with channel Optimisation off.

Alessandro Volta

The VM Connect app is not required. ( we don't have it installed )

Manage the Hub via its menu at :