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TC70 Camera - DNS Setting

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Hello, I'm looking for some support with a TPlink/Tapo TC70 Camera. 

The Camera is all setup and working when my phone is connected the the Wifi. 

The Tapo app displays an error that the camera can only be controlled locally, I have disconnected from the Wifi to check this is correct and the camera is no longer available when on 4/5G or another Wifi network. 

The steps given by the app to resolve are: Make sure router has internet access, which is does! Reboot the camera, which I have done and the last step is to try changing the DNS server to Various searches show this is not possible on Hub 4. 

Does anybody have any ideas? I realise buying a new router with configurable DNS is an option, but I could just return this camera and buy one a different one instead..



Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If you can’t manually set the DNS on the camera, then you are stuck. You can’t change the DNS servers on any VM Hubs.

It’s one reason, amongst many that some users here use their own Routers.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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"The Camera is all setup and working when my phone is connected the the Wi-Fi"  - of the Camera ? or VM Hub ?

Using the interface on the mobile, has the camera been linked to the 2.4Ghz band of the VM Hub ?

If Yes, the camera should be seen in the Hub's menus as a Connected device on the 2.4Ghz band.

The only reason the VM DNS may be an issue is if "Child Safe" is enabled and blocking the camera's access to the TP-LINK  / TAPO servers.

Camera is connected to the VM hub and my phone is on the same network, everything works. As soon as I disconnect (4/5G or another Wi-Fi) the Tapo app cannot see the camera. 

The Tapo app knows there is an issue as it always displays the attached message.

The camera is seen in connected devices in the Hub Menu and is on 2.4G.

Where would "Child Safe" be enabled? The child safe in my Virgin Account is not enabled and I never have any issues with blocked websites etc. 

A friend also lent me a different branded security camera over the weekend to try and I had the same connection issues. 

Not sure where this leaves me other than buying a new router to enable DNS changes..




These days just because the "Child Safe" looks to be off does not mean it is turned off.

Using the Hub Wi-Fi can you access what might be classed as 18+ websites such as Online Betting etc ?

The camera perhaps allows you to set its network settings to use Google DNS

Your mobile phone will also have a way to do this I'll post a hint below ...


Bypass Child Safe & Virus Safe

Below are workarounds for when Child Safe & Virus does not or cannot be turned off

Changing network settings to use any Public DNS should re-gain full access for the device.

Try computers with Cisco’s OpenDNS using and

OpenDNS provide instructions here :

For Google Public DNS it would be the same method using and

For XBOX or Playstation: modify the network settings and specify the DNS manually as the OpenDNS or Google DNS numbers from above.

For Android: 

Settings >> Connections >> More connection settings >> Private DNS

Set “Private DNS provider name” to:   (disable when using mobile data)