on 05-12-2023 18:31
I have red solid light on my Virgin media Hub 3, rather than, solid white. The broadband is working. Could anyone please explain is this normal?
Kind regards
on 05-12-2023 18:37
I have red solid light on my Virgin media Hub 3 all the time, rather than, solid white. The broadband is working. The The Hub is well ventilated and kept in an open space, and, it is not over-heating either. Could anyone please explain is this normal? Thanks
on 05-12-2023 19:09
Hi drl3m
Thanks for your post, welcome to the Community Forums.
The red light will indicate that the Hub is overheating, or it could be that the LED light is malfunctioning. Either way, we will need to schedule in an engineer visit so we can find out what the issue is and replace the Hub if necessary.
I've dropped you a private message so I can organise this.
on 05-12-2023 19:37
Hi @drl3
Thanks for getting back to me with your details via PM.
I've gone ahead and booked in the next available engineer appointment for you. You can view and manage your appointment slot here.
There are a few things you need to be aware of for the visit. There may be a £25 charge if:
• The customer is not present for the technician visit (aka a missed appointment).
• The fault is due to customer's own equipment.
• The fault is due to damage caused by someone at the customer's premises which we were not aware of.
• The fault is due to theft, loss, or removal of equipment.
Otherwise, the appointment would be free of charge.
Let us know how the visit goes and if you need anything else 😊
on 05-12-2023 19:40
Thank you very much Beth.
on 08-12-2023 10:14
No problem at all 🙂
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?