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RDP Issues

On our wavelength

We've just returned from holiday and what was an occasional drop out has become a complete block: we cannot connect to my wife's company using RDP.

I've now spent hours with the broadband team (who did nothing) and the Rescue Gadget team (who completely failed) and STILL we cannot connect. 

Even doing a port check ( on port 3389 reports "CLOSED" (it was at this point that the Rescue guy quit!).

Now I know that this is a long-standing issue with VM and I don't know why it is, but using almost any other service (my own O2 hotspot, for example) works fine.

Does anyone know what the issue is and what, more importantly, the solution is?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

If the port is showing closed then the RDP client is not running. No company should be using RDP it’s very insecure.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

On our wavelength

Saying that it's "not running" you mean as in services.msc the remote desktop services should be enabled to ensure it works?


Let me see...

On our wavelength

Tried starting all of the services and checked the port, again, and it still showed 3389 as closed!

What next..?

(And thanks for the assistance!)

On our wavelength

And as to RDP being insecure, it's only used to link the local laptop to the company's TeamViewer environment!

But that doesn't detract from the fact that we cannot connect and this IS a known issue with VM which has forced many to migrate to alternative ISPs to get around whatever VM is doing to throttle RDP connections.

I spent all of Friday on the phone to VM and all they managed to do was screw-up my Hub5 forcing me to undertake a "reset to factory" re-boot. And, no, we still have the issue so some assistance would be greatly appreciated!


Alessandro Volta
The port 3389 will be closed because your checking incoming port to your IP and not outgoing which is how you be connecting to a RDP.

Test hub in modem mode

On our wavelength



On our wavelength

After many more lost hours with VM I have followed the suggestion made here and elsewhere and gone into modem mode with a simple TP-Link router - and my wife's laptop is connecting to her office, once again.

So, to those who made the suggestion: THANK YOU!

Tuning in

I'm in the same situation with RDP traffic being blocked, it doesn't matter if i use the standard port 3389 or my own custom port.  this is since i upgraded to the new wifi6 VM router a few months ago.  network diagnostics confirm that the port is blocked, even though in the router the firewall is switched off and windows firewall is temporarily turned off during the test.  if i switch to modem mode the port blocking stops but then the house has no wifi, and the whole reason for upgrading the router was to get a wifi6 device to provide a better signal around the house.

so "modem mode" is a work around but not a solution, and virgin media seem to be quite unaware of the port blocking behaviour of the router.  this is the first router i've had in 20 years that does port blocking without any configuration.  i'm paying for an internet service and VM are actively blocking part of that service without any option to turn it off. 

the router itself says that modem mode only disables wifi, but it obviously disables the port blocking as well.  these features should not be tied together. 



On our wavelength

Absolutely agree with you on this!

I was very fortunate that I already had a BT Whole Home mesh installed and simply plugged this in to my new router with the Hub 6 in modem mode and carried on as if nothing had happened! But you're right, that not what we are paying for and we should not have to fork out for our own routers to unblock our ability to work from home!
