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Pods shows 'fair' connection


I've had no problem with my 3 pods but since yesterday via the "connect" app they are showing the connection as 'fair' instead of 'great' & there seems to be no drop in speed or connection - anyone know anything about this?


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I have 2 pods.  I am experiencing the same issue also, since early last week.  A test was run on the hub, and the signal to the hub was good, but the VM agent said there's an issue with the pods communicating with the hub.  I was sent out a new pod (should have been 2), which arrived on Friday, and this pod is showing the same connection - fair.  Spoken to VM this morning, 2nd pod to be sent out.  But some how I don't think this will resolve the issue.  I reckon it's some kind of software issue.  

Up to speed

I have EXACTLY the same issue - 3 pods are showing fair ... connectivity seems ok ! Only recently happened.

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @johnasimmons thanks for your post although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.

It's great that despite the change in the app status, that the connection remains stable for you. If things change, please don't hesitate to let us know and we can investigate this further for you.

Many thanks


I have exactly the same problem. I have a Hub 5 and 3 of the latest pods to extend wifi. Until about 10 days ago all the pods were showing ‘Great’ in the Connect app. Since then the Connect app shows all pods as ‘Fair’. Nothing has changed to account for this drop in signal strength. Even when I bring pods nearer the hub the Connect app still says ‘Fair’.

I have rebooted the hub several times and reset it also. I cannot reboot the pods or reset them on the Connect app. When I try to reset I get a message: ‘Oops something went wrong’.

I have full Wi-Fi coverage throughout the house but not as strong. Can anyone suggest a fix? 

Hi Jazzer52, thanks for the message and sorry to hear that you are having issues with the connection. 

Please see the following link here to assist with the pods

Kind regards, Chris. 

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yep. Same here. 3 pods all fair connection. Hub speed ok but fair on all pods when used to be great. Reset hub and keep getting wi fi issues now. Help please Virgin. 

Alessandro Volta

The Connect app is a piece of rubbish.  The poor Forum Team are not allowed to tell you that although they do know this. If the WiFi experience is OK, then ignore the issue which has been going on since day 1 of that wretched app.

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)

Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey, Markyboy1969.

Thanks for reaching out on our help forums and this thread, although we're sorry to see you're having issues with your Wi Fi Pods and connection at home.

We're happy to help, can you please expand on what issues you had after resetting your hub?

Also, are you using the Connect App and what speeds do you get on your devices over the Wi-Fi currently?

Lastly, do the drop outs happen on all devices at the same time when this issue occurs or does it depend on the location and how far from the hub etc?

Let us know more and we'll be eager to assist.

Forum Team

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Like others on this thread all 3 pods show fair connection when was great until recent in the connect app. Cannot refresh as shows problem and wi fi signal drops as a result at times. Spoke to support this morning who said will monitor but not really confident this will change the connection from ‘fair’ to ‘great’ as before?