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Orange light on hub

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I have been having issue with my wifi connection and speeds since having it connected a month ago, I have reset and rebooted a number of times and the instructions state when the light turns white you are good to go. My issue is the light doesnt turn white but turns orange, I have just changed from BT and have had Virgin before and never had an issue with connections or speed with both.

Reading some of the forums on this the router needs to be changed but how do I go about sorting this? I can see that phoning Virgin isn't a viable option as they dont really know what to do.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Orange light on a Hub3 is just a sign of an ageing failing LED - you will certainly have received an old "refurbished" Hub3 (there are no new ones!) with an old LED - but it has no bearing on performance/safety  (unless it turns bright red!).

So can we check what exactly are the wifi issues and are they only evident on wifi connections or do you see them at the same times on devices connected on ethernet cables? If you don't know, can you check to help diagnose whether it is just a wifi issue or it could be network connection/Hub related?


I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & BT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi) Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.


The issue is on the wifi, it doesnt affect me when I am on my laptop as I sit close to the hub but my wife sits in our home office that is 8ft from the hub and connection drops off and sometimes doesnt even connect. Never had an issue with BT or virgin previously with connection in this room, kids are complaining that the speeds are not the same as previously when they are on their devices but again this seems to be intermittent.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

OK - see this...


As its a wifi only issue (ethernet connections are all ok), ithen f it is - then - on a Hub3/4/5, you could first try separating the SSID's of the 2.4 and 5 GHz wifi bands by renaming them in the settings At the same time switch off "channel optimisation/Smart wifi” and “ apply and save the settings. All wifi devices will now need reconnecting to the best SSID at each location. Also use a wifi scanning App to find the best wifi channels to use (just select and use channels 1,6,11 on 2.4GHz) - this often helps Hub users get better wifi performance - so its worth trying - but its still no substitute for getting better kit 🙂

To address the wifi issues, VM now supply “wifi Pods” (no longer doing cheap and cheerless and poor value “boosters”). However, their Pods are only free to customers on the 1GB, Volt (or old Ultimate Oomph) packages - is that you? If so they are worth trying - they should work for you. VM Wifi is now “guaranteed” to 20 Mbps/room it’s now called… Wifi Max
See if anything in here helps….

You call 0800 064 3850 to order the first one after scanning for blackspots using the connect App.- or just wait here for a VM person to respond in a day or two and they will sort the first one for you. If you do call dont get fobbed off by the offshore CS agents' saying you aren’t eligible it will be £5 or £8 month - you are… and it wont be - just look on the webpage.

If not free to you… you will be charged £8/month (note - BT charge £10/mo for their whole home wifi solution). It’s a simple solution and should work for you. However, you would soon pay off that cost by buying your own wireless solution that will be yours to own and use forever, although the VM Pods should be a simpler option.

If you do want to invest in better equipment, you would need to get either a… (1) Mesh System, (2) Wireless router, (3) Wireless access point (4), (5) a pair of good quality Wifi Powerline Adaptors, or a combination of (2&3).

£40-100 (that’s ~4->12 months of Max Pod rental) should sort it for most customers with an average property and usage. Spend more for additional advanced“features” - if required.



I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & BT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi) Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.

Hi @JC44,

Thank you for your posts and welcome to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm so sorry to hear you're having some trouble with your Wi-Fi connection recently, and that your router is displaying an orange/amber light. Is your wired connection impacted at all too?


Zach - Forum Team
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Wired connection is fine. Most devices are on the wifi as they are spread throughout the house, speeds are impacted and connectivity in areas where there hasn't been issues before on both BT(just moved from them) and virgin(was with virgin before BT)

Hi @JC44,

Thank you for expanding on this. I've checked things on our systems and I'm unable to detect any faults currently which would explain why this is happening.

As such, I'm going to send you a private message in a few moments. Please respond to this when you can and we'll proceed from there.


Zach - Forum Team
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 Zach I find that strange as virgin posted me my router and have managed to take the first payment from my account

Hi @JC44,

If you respond to me via private message instead of publicly I can assist you further. You can't share personal data, including an address, in a public forum for security reasons.


Zach - Forum Team
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