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MacBook Pro & Wifi

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My MacBook, the builders and my sisters will on/off connect to the Wi-Fi. 

I’ve spent hours on the phone to Mac. Because the Mac will teather to my phone & a neighbours network they are blaming Virgin.

some days it will connect. Others it won’t. My builder has a MacBook and had the same issue. My sister also did while she visited & next time it worked…

I’ve done all the usual: hub resents, software updates, removing & reading network. All the tricks apple have but still have this on/off issue. All other devices ie Samsung TV etc all context to Wi-Fi fine. Just the MacBook Pros. 

any ideas welcome. 




Hub 3 - make sure WPA-PSK is Disabled i.e. WPA2-PSK is the security mode.

Hub 5 - make sure WPA3-SAE is Disabled i.e. WPA2-PSK is the security mode.

Hub 3/4/5 - try with  Smart Wi-Fi aka Wireless Channel Optimisation  Disabled.

Hub 3/4/5 - try with  Auto Channels is Disabled on both 2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz.

Hi, thanks for the above. It’s a Hub 4. Sorry to be a pain, but I can’t log onto the hub admin without a connection. Is there another way to do this? 


Use a laptop with a network cable to the Hub 4.

Just check that someone has not been using the VM Connect app and has paused the Wi-Fi access of your devices (or of unknown devices) thus preventing them connecting to the Hub 4.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Just to add... I am all Mac and modern Macs dont have ethernet ports - so you will need to get an adapter for their USBc port to a RJ45 ethernet cable connector - lots on Amazon.

And see this from older posts - something might help - particularly the first one....


No connectivity on Apple kit may be a MAC filtering issue for Apple devices - see if this has the solution for you….
After a MacOS/iOS update, it may auto turn on Automatic Proxy Discovery for all Wi-Fi networks - so turn it off in network settings as per message 7 below. Or in iOs go to Settings>WiFi> tap the blue”I” icon and scroll down and make sure Configure Proxy/‘ is set to off - also that Configure DNS and Configure IP are set to automatic

... and

Cant connect as password is incorrect on iPhone (& Andrex)……. this sorted it…


I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & BT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi) Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.