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MDD message timeout

Tuning in

Ever since upgrading to Hub 5 I am having regular MDD timeout error. Had engineer in to fix but issue is still ongoing. At least 3 to 5 service disruptions a day. Any other advice?


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hi @Gonzal3z 


Thanks for posting on our community forum and sorry to hear about the issue with your broadband.


Is the connection dropping via both wired and wireless connections? How has your connection been since Thursday?



Forum Team

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Engineer has now visited twice - still having MDD timeouts and service drop outs. 

Hi @Gonzal3z,

I'm really sorry to hear of these ongoing issues. I've checked over things on our systems and I'm unable to detect any faults currently. Is it ongoing for you today?

If it is, would you mind expanding on the issues you're facing along with any troubleshooting you've performed? Can you also set up and share a live BQM? We can then look at your connection in real-time.


Zach - Forum Team
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Im having the same issue, did you get anything resolved?

Hi Leeroybot, thanks for the message and welcome back to the forums. 

I am sorry to hear that there is an issue with the hub, can you confirm that this is still the case? 

Can you set up a BQM here

Kind regards, Chris. 

Hi there - Issue still ongoing. Have now had a Virgin engineer out 4 times. Have had all interior cables and connectors changed, V5 box changed , a “dampener” removed from the line, etc but the persistent MDD timeout issue has not been resolved. The 4 engineer confirmed that Virgin could see that there were consistent signal issues and I have signed up to BQM to record that info myself. This is now the 4th month that  I have been experiencing the issues.


  •  Only started monitoring this morning using this tool

An MDD timeout isn't necessarily a problem, it can just mean that it has shifted channel!

So please, don’t get too fixated on what the log is saying, because unless you know how this stuff all works, then yes, it is easy to misinterpret what is being reported.

So, ignoring the hub, what actual issues are you experiencing?

 My internet regularly disconnects for one or two minutes and the time of disconnection disconnection correlates with the MDD timeout error in the log.