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Login attempt from Virgin Media User?

Not applicable

Microsoft recently alerted me to someone trying to login using my Microsoft account from a Virgin Media address: removed

Does anyone know what the above address means and how I can complain to Virgin Media about this? I have a virgin media service (located in South of UK) but I can't think why Virgin themselves would try to log in to my Microsoft account?

 [MOD EDIT: Personal and private information has been removed from this post. Please do not post personal or private information in your public posts. Please review the Forum Guidelines]


Alessandro Volta

I believe it is a unique VM network identifier for a customer's connection. Surprised it has not been moderated out

Did someone simply try to access your MS account or actually access it?

You can report the issue here

Not applicable

Looks like it's been moderated out.

The user tried to access my MS account but my security settings prevented it and I was notified of an attempted login attempt from that address.

Thanks for the link.